Freaked Out
I don't know why, but I see more Harrison Ford in that sculpt than I do Nicolas Cage. Minus the hair, of course.
The face is spot on for Nic Cage in my eyes.
It's the ears that aren't right, he has bigger ears.
i hope you are not implying asians look like aliens...
Its bad alright ..but no where near as bad as Jake's likness for dastan.
Really liking the look of this. The human sculpt is alright but I wouldn't display it with that.
God, I hate these lame 'horror' heroes like Blade and Ghostrider.
I really wish Hot Toys would become aware of an obcure group of Marvel characters called the X-Men.
either the skull is too small, or there isn't enough flames. can't put the finger on it
Looks nice.
Where's Spidey.