By the way, are people planning any unique displays centered around Thanos when he comes in? (Villains, INfinity War, space..ect)
He’ll be on my Villains shelf with AV1 Loki, Ultron and Red Skull! I’ll need to make room though.
Just realised I’ll have all the Avengers baddies. That’s pretty cool, especially seeing that the three Avengers films took the top 3 spots on my list!
Damn just checked. Its 150.Nice. Right now I plan to have Thanos with Gamora, and then go from there. Maybe Dr. Strange, and eventually (hopefully) Captain Marvel and Nebula.
I notice BBTS has Ultron Mark 1 available ,and comes with $100 store credit. Doesn't seem like a bad deal if I want that figure right? Get $100 off to use for another figure.
Nice. Right now I plan to have Thanos with Gamora, and then go from there. Maybe Dr. Strange, and eventually (hopefully) Captain Marvel and Nebula.
I notice BBTS has Ultron Mark 1 available ,and comes with $100 store credit. Doesn't seem like a bad deal if I want that figure right? Get $100 off to use for another figure.
So I finally watched Infinity War 4days ago and was quite pleased with only 3 characters: Thanos, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange's line to Thanos at beginning of battle on Titan was godly, he has become a priority figure for me on top of the famous duo that were priorities for me-Ant Man and Wasp until I saw Infinity War also because I have more of a connection with him due to MUA(for those that played Marvel Ultimate Alliance they would know Strange's Sanctum Santorum is the best headquarters)
Getting Iron Man isn't an issue cause I already have him thankfully MkXLVI is hard to find for decent price if didn't get retail glad I did thank you AlterEgo Comics. Iron Man and Doctor Strange put in the most work against Thanos as a whole. I thought they way the story was written out was ok. Is it a movie I must own no not at all wasn't spectacular but enjoyable and best to watch it with someone.
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I totally get Strange and Iron Man, but no Thor? This was finally his big time in the spotlight. The entrance at Wakanda was enough to cement him for me.
You're right don't get me wrong I myself wasn't trying to leave out Thor when posting but see the problem with Thor he comes in striking down fodder then continues striking down fodder while Vis is dealing with the guy and his stabby staff, Nat and Wanda are fighting miss you'll regret not killing me now lady yet Thor with his "enhanced" artificial eye should be able to identify those 2 immediately especially when he's the first to have an encounter with Thanos' whole crew from start if I remember correctly. So he could've gone for guys in charge and help everyone to deal with the rest of the small fry later but I'll admit I loved his entrance it was usual Thor fashioned also I loved his rabbit remarks to Rocket who clearly isn't a rabbit but gotta love Thor and him getting animal naming wrong haha!
Then Thor made the final big mistake with his new hammer that's actually Beta Ray Bill's hammer name and design, but don't worry I'm not in a tissy over that,-the mistake of not starting with Thanos' head or arm. Look I know it's to setup the next on makes the story interesting but god of Thunder you messed up looks like Jane Foster didn't take him to see Star Wars Phantom Menace and look how Maul turned out. On a side note, when I heard Stormbreaker I was like hey wait a minute so does that mean they're not going to add Beta Ray Bill in MCU? Oh and the only thing I fault Iron Man with was his suits creations sometimes they looked way too goofy and like they were trying to hard with his suits design and morphs rather than just totally taking from comic of his new suit that does the same thing which they already took from but let's say he wanted to make a battering hands or clamp down boot suit in comics would do Hulkbuster style while the one in movie did whatever style that was with large sticks for the clamp down boots and balls for battering ram hands for my reference of the comic suit I refer you to Iron Man vs Doom first encounter All New All Different. Oh and Im sure Iron Man is advanced enough to develop beam sabers I reference my 2nd post and pic to what I mean about that. I get he probably didn't watch Gundam but hey I'm sure he's seen something on the web about I think that's like hard light tech not certain but a lot better than solid nano swords that can be turned on you.
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I see what you're saying about Thor not aiming for the head and not attacking the leaders. He isn't the smartest hero on the squad. But had he aimed for the head or cut off Thanos's arm, we wouldn't get Avengers 4 and Thanos wouldn't have had his snap moment. But I guess my point with Thor is that with the stormbreaker and his unleashed lightning powers, he was the only one strong enough to breakthrough the gauntlet powers and seriously mess up Thanos. He was bleeding, a LOT. That, and his entrance, was enough for me to need him. I'm sure he will show off even more in A4, tag teaming with Captain Marvel to whoop Thanos.
I can't wait to receive Dr Strange! The accessories that he comes with look amazing. He was definitely my favorite from Infinity War.Indeed definitely interested to see what's going to happen in 2nd part. I hope Thor is going to make a better decision in his 3rd encounter with Thanos. I'm just sorry I had to see Strange fade away. Again he's a must have for me I've been saying those lines of his ever since watching the film and God Almighty they were superb, his vigor, tenacity, cunning, display of the mystic arts, and most noticeably his will was explicitly showed through his fighting and the sacrifice he had to make for his wonderful facial hair bro-Iron Man. Just talking about him makes me wish I had HT Strange in my hands!
I can't wait to receive Dr Strange! The accessories that he comes with look amazing. He was definitely my favorite from Infinity War.
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Yeah he sold out the day he went up for pre-order I think.Yeah that's what interests me too about him! His accessories I'll have to look throughout the forums to see if anyone will be willing to relinquish his Book of Vishanti from his first release. I doubt it though. The whole funny part about this is I'm talking like I've preordered him sadly I haven't and just checked AlterEgo to see if they have him in stock because I would like to utilize my award points that were going to go towards Ant Man Wasp but now I only care about Strange but sadly they don't have more of him in stock anymore. I'm at a loss![]()
Yeah he sold out the day he went up for pre-order I think.
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If it says pre-order and not waitlist, then it's an actual pre-order. It's not sold out at Sideshow.I see sideshow still has preorder as an option but I'm assuming that's actually an option to be waitlisted right? I'm not familiar with how that works when product is already sold out but they still have preorder as an option.