I don't recall his past interviews as being so cryptic or completely bereft of information. It must have driven the interviewer nuts, especially if he's a collector.
Basically it's going to be major characters from Star Wars OT and NT, Marvel Cinematic/Iron Man and DC Cinematic/Batman 95% of the time because those are the big sellers. Pirates of the Caribbean will probably get 2-3 figures. Covenant might generate some new figures or it might be another Prometheus nonstarter. Expecting the Matrix, Rocky or Rambo is pretty much a pipe dream. I don't know if HT even has those licenses any more. If so why they keep them. I thought that Star Ace had the DC TV license, so that may have been a burned question as well.
Maybe the interviewer would have gotten more concrete information if the questions had been based more on HT's reality.
On the encouraging/discouraging sides
-- '66 Joker seems to still be in the works, but the Batmobile is stalled if not dead
-- Catwoman looks to be coming
-- Never enough Ledger Jokers
-- Yellowjacket is trapped in development hell despite the prototype. Also disappointed Power Loader Ripley is languishing. Those were the two I was most interested in, although Cain would also be cool at the right price.
-- Nothing on Lando, Tarkin, Ep VII Poe Dameron, RO Cassian Andor (but at least Jedi Luke, Hoth Leia and Royal Guard made the cut)
-- It will probably be 5+ years before any PT figures see the light of day