That's why people are pissed. I swear, I think they employ the logic that if they gather up as many licenses as possible, then that, somehow, means that their competitors won't have anything to make. I just hate the lack of any info on anything. Personally, I wish they'd employ some sort of schedule for the year, as far as specs and pics go, and, if any new licenses were announced, they would update it accordingly. Right now, though; it's disgraceful. Them only announcing one figure a week (besides Iron Man) isn't helping matters. If they have stuff done, they need to get it out there. I'm sure that a lot of the people in the market for a Returns figure aren't necessarily in the same market for a Leslie Cheung, and, even if they were, it's not like they'd have to ship at the same time; just announce more than one thing every week/two weeks/whatever.