They will probably do a Daniel Craig first, then Brosnan, third I guess will be Roger M. follow by Connery and Dalton and then the guy from Her Majesty Secret Service. If they got the licence and I have heard is quite difficult and expensive to get and then please with the proposed product the rights holders, so I am confident they will do at least one of each Bond in a particular movie look...then if all sell well, we will get the full lineup in the classic tuxedo look...and be the first 1/6 company to do all the James Bond actors, up to now only Sideshow tried to do that but it was long ago and of course the quality can not compare to today's standards and expected detail and likeness.
The looks I would think to expect,
D. Craig in the suit and rifle at the end of Casino Royale or maybe his light grey suit (homage to Goldfinger Connery suit) or black overcoat and suit in Skyfall.
Brosnan in the "commando suit" at the start of Golden Eye or the suit combination at the Russian interrogation action sequence...there are more of the same style in the rest of his movies, formal suits or "casual field semi formal" ..he look good in all of them.
Roger Moore maybe his naval commander battledress uniform used in the tanker fight/rescue sequence, always like that look in The Spy Who Love Me, maybe his blue tuxedo from the same movie., Big Chief already did his black turtle neck commando suit and 44 magnum shoulder holster look as well as maybe this is pass over by HT.
Connery, his famous Goldfinger gray suit, maybe white coat/red rose/flower tuxedo look...Thunderbolt suit with rocket pack will be great to!!
Dalton...he used a lot of semi formal/sport look combinations, any of those will be great, he only did two movies, so there not much to chose from.
Her Majesty Secret Service..well...I really don't have any suggestion, to be honest is the least favorite Bond movie for personal opinion and taste of course.