I've had mine for a while and no stains that I can see.
Excellent, thanks... finally unboxing/setting some figures up.
I've had mine for a while and no stains that I can see.
Anyone broke open blood marker? I broke mine couse Didnt know you cant close it..
Yeah, when I watched Collateral again, I had forgotten how good of a film it is. Both Cruise and Foxx were good in it, and Cruise’s assassin character of Vincent I thought could potentially give Wick a run for his money (though I think Wick would prevail). One of Cruise’s underrated better characters performances, imo.
As far as your discussion with your friends, it’s difficult to pick one. “Think” playing in the background of the JW club scene to me made the scene feel like it’s just easy routine business for Wick, which it was. The music in the Collateral club scene though was more aggressive and up tempo, which to me made the scene feel a bit more anxious, like you knew something was about to go down, which imo, would be the better song to play if you had Wick and Vincent scanning for one another in a club scene like that. Like I mentioned, I could easily see Wick and Vincent hunting one another in a club to that music, but I can’t really see them doing so to “Think.” Vincent I don’t feel would just be “routine business,” as he’d be a formidable opponent.
Here’s a cool little blog I came across that ponders the question of what if Collateral were set in the JW universe, and I pretty much agree with the author’s sentiments:
Considering how Collateral ended, I don't think Vincent gives Wick a run for his money.
However, like Reeves, Cruise used real tactical moves when shooting people. The alley scene where Vincent takes out the two thugs is flawlessly executed by Cruise.