HT must be making a killing with those Iron Man figures, otherwise I really can't understand it. I mean, I don't think the tooling for all those different suits is cheap...
It's a few different things at play in the "IM Armour Vs Every other type of figure" debate.
One is undoubtedly the far eastern love of mecha in any form. And the general fandom love of Iron Man in general.
Another reason behind so many Iron Man figures(And repops), is the fact that it's basically a big model kit(From their point of view). No clothing to make, and the only accessories are just more armour parts.
I read many complaints on this forum in regards to a figure with clothing(When it's sold out, and suddenly people want one) where people moan and say: "Just mold some more copies and then sell them again!!!", without realising that, while that is very easy to do with Iron Man(Molding new copies), it's a very different matter with a new Superman, or Matrix, or Batman, etc. The reason is that for every single Superman, that material needs to be fashioned into a costume. It needs done correctly every time, sewn the exact way every time, the boots pattern done perfectly every time, with the sole glued on every time, etc.
"Mold more copies" is a huge undertaking for a figure even wearing a suit, shirt and tie. But with something like the suit for Superman, it's probably incredibly tough. Arguably far more tough than making ten new Iron Man armours(Which can all be designed in the computer, 3d moulds cut from steel, and all injection moulded without ever having to even think of cutting cloth.
And it's the main reason that Ten new Iron Man armours will be less of a headache for them to make than one new Superman figure.
I'm not being an apologist for them, but just trying to make some of our less knowledgeable brethren(And sistren), realise that a scale clothed figure is harder to make than a scale Iron Man armour.
Now... If they made Iron Man armour that could be posed like it is now, and the armour could be removed from Tony... Now *that* would be a feat on engineering. But as it is, Iron Man(Regardless of the level of complexity of the figure), is still way easier to conceptualise and make than even the simplest clothed character.