Got this yesterday.![]()
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
A $10.61 installment?? You must have used a boatload of reward points on this guy. Of course the shipping they tack on will be double that.

Got this yesterday.![]()
Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk
Gift cards, buy whatever the amount and you can call and have them put it on whatever you have pre-ordered even couple different ones. Do it every now and then if I have extra cash.A $10.61 installment?? You must have used a boatload of reward points on this guy. Of course the shipping they tack on will be double that. [emoji38]
So still no news ?
Is this normal for a HT figure to be delayed like this ? I bought two before but I didn?t really track the timeline at that time.
But is it normal to delay and not give precise dates to your customers in this manner ?
There are figures that have taken years to get to market.
The normal time is about a year to a year and a half.
I think it was over two years for the Tron Legacy Lightcycle, and over three for Hulkbuster.
I just assume they are putting more R&D into figures that will sell more.
They still might. Be at least a year until we see any of these figures probably![]()
Just realised it's out for PO![]()
Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk
So this has been the case in previous releases yes ?
What was the official first release date for JL Superman ? Anyone remembers ?
Have u guys seen the JL Cavill sculpt from modern life....![]()
Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Im sorry but no way way am i paying $400 for a sculpt, I have no idea HOW peeps can justify those prices.
It looks somewhat like Cavill, but the features are off, the space between his nose and upper lip looks too big.
The first thing I noticed was the hair, that does not look good at all. Definitely not worth the price.
So this month or next year.
I?m going to assume we will receive it by March 2019. Which makes it release by January 2020 in HK.
So we are getting it seven months ago?
I?m going to assume we will receive it by March 2019. Which makes it release by January 2020 in HK.
Nah, 4-6 weeks from release in HK to shipping to homes in the rest of the world. I'm keeping the faith that think we'll see it in drop in HK by the end of this week.