I thought the lighter blue of the JL suit would be perfect, but wow... They went bright. I still like it and would like to own it, but I think the JL Superman figure is a perfect analog to the movie we got.... An odd mix of conflicting opinions.Having had both-sold the bvs because I thought the jl batman would be a revamped one-new headsculpt etc...
The jl batman is pretty lacklustre in my eyes-it looks like a figure from 2/3 years ago.
Headsculpt while being repainted looks better but it?s still a old headsculpt & the neck joint is disastrous-it look atrocious!
The light blue of the suit is actually too light in my eyes, the superman glyph is too small.
I preferred the darker old suit of the bvs version but sold mine off in the hope of the new version being better & getting rid of it before it developed the orange collar curse.
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I thought the lighter blue of the JL suit would be perfect, but wow... They went bright. I still like it and would like to own it, but I think the JL Superman figure is a perfect analog to the movie we got.... An odd mix of conflicting opinions.
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Too bright is fine by me. I wouldn't want anything accurate to JL anyway.
Anyone hear anything about when sideshow will start to ship? I never get any emails from them anymore.
He was released xmas eve in Hong Kong, so I'm hoping we'll start recieving shipping notifications from sideshow either this week or next week.Anyone hear anything about when sideshow will start to ship? I never get any emails from them anymore.
Night and Day - Batman and Superman
Just got this JL Superman figure. He's actually looks better on hand. Also, he's very shiny. The chrome body underneath really reflects the light coming to him. The "S" logo is very very metallic. It doesn't show in the pictures but very metallic. I find the original cape by Hot Toys is slightly too bright but ok.
I do feel we should've gotten a new head sculpt since Cavill's look actually different in JL.
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Fantastic pics as usual
Not 100% sure but I believe its celebrated the last couple of weeks in January until about week into Feb. I might be way off on that though.How long is Chinese New Year ?