Hot Toys Justice League Superman

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Given that they released JL Aquaman (as differentiated from the billion dollar solo film) and Flash already then Supes and Bats are soon to follow. It's just the timing of Endgame... Aquaman and Flash releasing first I'm going to assume is driven by some basic strategy.

I actually hope that the head sculpt for Superman is not magnetic, since I bought a BvS head sculpt as a backup in case they change the head sculpt in some way for release that I don't care for.
Given that they released JL Aquaman (as differentiated from the billion dollar solo film) and Flash already then Supes and Bats are soon to follow. It's just the timing of Endgame... Aquaman and Flash releasing first I'm going to assume is driven by some basic strategy.

I actually hope that the head sculpt for Superman is not magnetic, since I bought a BvS head sculpt as a backup in case they change the head sculpt in some way for release that I don't care for.

I hope it’s not magnetic either as I planned to use that hs on BvS Supes, but the more I think about it and the more I’m sure it will be. Makes sense to hide the switch. Still, no big deal. I’ll just have to remove the neck plug inside BvS Supes and place a magnet inside.
Hey guys,

Any updates on this figure ?

I’ve been scanning the net trying to find some news , but nothing so far.

I expect it to reach by the holidays season ?
Possibly. Someone who asked that main guy at hot toys said him and bats are really soon. So maybe September in Hong Kong.
Okay irl nerd...this is the second time u “attempted” to snark reply my comments. Your miserable no life lame a$$ is trying the wrong person. Warning given. It’s easy to fry.... maybe you can find out how easy with another snark reply. You geeky nerdy biiitch. I’m going to report you for throat gurgling my nut sack every time I reply. Your thirst to drain them is getting nauseous.

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It's a fine Saturday morning; I don't want to break out the Freaks Be Good Stick.
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It's a fine Saturday morning; I don't want to break out the Freaks Be Good Stick.

Hey also forum nerd puzzy!! BAN these nuts in ur mouth. Idagf about anything you’re saying. Lmfao you guys are weak asf. Suck my entire grandmothers TIT. LOL NOW BAN AWAY

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Please don’t close this thread because of this idiot. I get my updates on figure releases thanks to this forum.
I really hope the figure releases soon, for that kid’s sake; clearly the wait has taken its toll on his mental health.

I suspect either this month or next month, it’ll release in HK though.
As a first timer consumer for the 1/6 scale figures.

I never knew it would be this challenging.

I always collected 1/12 and it’s been easy.

But for 1/6 to sit and wait years, you guys

are really brave and patient.

What do you guys think maybe about messaging the artist or whoever working on it ?

Maybe it will help push it ? 🧐
My gut is release in Hong Kong early to mid September, with it making it to locations beyond HK by late October or early November.
Yep, they need to fill in the time gap between now and end of the year with Star Wars and DC stuff. Star Wars owns November and December with The Mandalorian, Jedi : Fallen Order and Ep 9 all coming out.

Marvel has had it's main run. Sure they will be scattered in as well, but shouldn't be a "Marvel Only" show from here on out I'd say.