Lol just lift the head a little.This is my problem with many of Hot Toys figures. It looks like he's doing this
View attachment 475337
But without the chin folds sculpted on. They don't pay enough attention to how headsculpts interact visually with the necks on these bodies.
(and no, that's not me)
This is my problem with many of Hot Toys figures. It looks like he's doing this
View attachment 475337
But without the chin folds sculpted on. They don't pay enough attention to how headsculpts interact visually with the necks on these bodies.
(and no, that's not me)
Then you'd probably have a visible gap behind the chin. And maybe the back of the sculpt won't even allow it anyway.
Yeah I love this guys videos despite not understanding a word lol.
Shows the figures in great detail and that's all we want really to make up our own minds. I agree with the better lighting compared to the super bright white background Justin uses.
Pretty sure he'll get Aquaman, seems to get every DC figure and statue lol.
That response tells me you've missed my point. I wasn't complaining about the presence of articulation. I'm saying they could do it better than they are. NECA manages more natural looking necks and ball-jointing of heads than Hot Toys does.
I really wish I spoke French because I love this guys videos! The blogger pics always make me go eurgh, and then his video makes me go PURCHASE. Really looking forward to Aquaman if he gets him now.
Love how that chrome comes through on the suit. Must buy now!
EDIT: Also it really highlights how Justin's videos are quite poor. It's a shame they come out first and it's the first we can react to them as they're always overblown white and bright, hiding all the details and contrast. On no video or picture yet have we seen how that chrome really shines through. I also love how he shows it being handled so you can see what you get exactly. More of this please!
Wow. Where would one purchase that!The Rocco sculpt side by side w box photo![]()
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Wow. Where would one purchase that!
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Wow. Where would one purchase that!
Thanks for the info. It's definitely something to keep in mind.Just to note, the sculpt is by Rocco who you can contact on here, instagram and Facebook (maybe other outlets as well that I don?t know about)
The paint job is done by Jacob Rahmier.
The sculpt alone is about $75 + the paint job which I assume is around $200ish so just take that into account. Still more affordable than the Modern Life sculpts and more accurate imo