Hot Toys Justice League Wonder Woman

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Well, I just went ahead and gambled $26 on this knockoff head sculpt on eBay, lol. Here's hoping!

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I've been using the GACTOYS head sculpt which actually looks pretty good, it's just that it's a smidge small for the body (although barely noticeable when the head is facing downward).

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Let us know how it goes!
While we wait for the sculpt to arrive some more pics of it. This is a knockoff of the WW1984 Golden Armor figure’s head sculpt?




It’s a KO of the GA headsculpt but looks like they’re using the official sculpt in their promo pics just like they did for TT Toys Endgame Cap, BW, Thor and revised mk85 Tony sculpts. While the sculpts in-hand are better than most KO’s in my experience, they definitely aren’t at HT standards.
Those listings do, but the pics that Alatar posted just above my comment are the real GA headsculpt. You can clearly tell the difference between the ones in the listings you posted and the pics that Alatar posted
My point was I didn't have to wait for Alatar to post in-hand photos before I purchased it.
Haha, well I mighta got bamboozled by them using the actual HT sculpt in the photos! But if it’s better than what I’m using (GACTOYS) I’ll be content. The stock head sculpt just doesn’t get it for me.
Hmm, I have some other knockoffs with tiaras that I might be able to extract the tiara from if this sculpt is good enough.
That sculpt arrived today and it’s definitely a step down from the GACTOYs one I’ve been using. Oh well!

I’ll take some pics of it on Friday and compare all the WW sculpts I now have which including the stock one I think is… five.
Hey guys, I need your help. I had the Hot Toys Wonder woman from the first day. When I received it I posed it and left it inside my display. Now recently I received the new version and I wanted to repack the figure in order to sell it to someone who is looking for for the Justice league version. After putting the legs in relaxed position I noticed stains in the legs which seem to be caused by the skirt. All this time the blue skirt has been in touch with the "skin" on the legs and it seems created these stains. The curious thing is you don't notice them until you put her legs in a different position. Here comes my question, does someone know how I could remove the stains? Is there something I could use? It's still a great figure but obviously I can't sell it like this.
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I am no fan of this guy and he uses language if you are sensitive to that but the more info the better right. Still, don't know with it being rubber - think small area if you do decide to try it and take it slow.

Link to cream used in previous video:

@Vortex Thank you once again for this information the acne cream did the trick for me. I do have some tips. Apply it and then don't let it dry completely as if it dries on the figures it will make cracks in the clear coating. So apply by tapping then leave for 2 hours then wipe away with a cloth that's just a little bit wet. I managed to remove it all within 2 days so faster then the guy in the video. Here's the result.

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