Hot Toys Kit Fisto

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Same here, need something refreshing for SW beside main, sub protagonists and antagonists or troopers

An alien force user would do the trick, and a Plo Koon would be well suprised too.
Plo Koon would be a cool reveal too. Kit Fisto was probably the “SDCC surprise figure” for me this year. Even over that Venompool figure they showed, which was way out there. It’s very unusual for HT’s to stray from main characters, must be one of Howard’s favorite Jedi.
Obviously they're pulling out this prototype to test the water first, and after gather enough positve feedbacks in order to neccessarily converted into mass production for public. If Fisto sells well, it would becomes the springboard for future aliens from HT too.
Doesn?€™t it get tiring? People raged about the prequels for years until they didn?€™t, now they rage about the sequels- until they don?€™t anymore. Every new Star Wars movie gets bashed on by people. They claim it ruins the entire franchise even when it doesn?€™t. You?€™re using the same talking points people used about OT figures when the prequel era came in. Why can?€™t you just let people enjoy things? I?€™m not sorry that I want one of the main hero characters of a trilogy for my collection. Doesn?€™t it just exhaust anyone else seeing the constant negativity in Star Wars fandom? We had years of prequels being ripped to shreds and yet we?€™ve learned nothing. Now people pretend no one hated the prequels but now everyone hates the sequels. I swear the Star Wars community has amnesia sometimes.

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Looks like the forum update deleted my original reply so here we go again...

I have always said the prequels are garbage movies and I will never stop pointing that out to fanboy apologists. I don't partake in revisionist history, but the prequels are infinitely better than these trash Disney sequels filled with gender tropes and racist stereotypes. Critiques of the PT and ST have totally different talking points and if you can't tell the difference that is your problem. Jar Jar is a far better written character than any of the new Disney ones we have seen in the ST because he actually has a character arc. Why do you think they are bringing back the Emperor? Because the new movies have completely failed to spark any interest in the new characters and now they have to fall back on nostalgia for the OT to save this debacle of a trilogy. "Let the past die" has backfired on Disney pretty badly.

TLJ: "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
TROS: "No ones ever really gone." {puts back together helmet, Emperor laughs}

If these two movie quotes don't demonstrate what an inept and poorly planned failure this trilogy is I don't know what does. At least the prequels were able to string together an amateurish and horribly written, yet coherent storyline, something JJ and Ruin completely failed to accomplish.

And doesn't it get tiring begging for a Poe in every thread you post in? I bet if I was in a thread about cooking spaghetti I would find a post from you whinging about HT not releasing a betamale Poe "What's the Plan?" Dameron.
Looks like the forum update deleted my original reply so here we go again...

I have always said the prequels are garbage movies and I will never stop pointing that out to fanboy apologists. I don't partake in revisionist history, but the Prequels are infinitely better than these trash Disney sequels filled with gender and racist stereotypes. Critiques of the PT and ST are totally different talking points and if you can't tell the difference that is your problem. Jar Jar is a far better written character than every new Disney character we have seen in the ST. Why do you think they are bringing back the Emperor? Because the new movies have completely failed to spark any interest in the new characters and now they have to fall back on nostalgia for the OT to save this debacle of a trilogy. "Let the past die" has backfired on Disney pretty badly.

TLJ: "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
TROS: "No ones ever really gone." {puts back together helmet, Emperor laughs}

If these two movie quotes don't demonstrate what an inept and poorly planned failure this Trilogy is I don't know what does. At least the Prequels were able to string together an amateurish and horribly written, yet coherent storyline, something JJ and Ruin completely failed to accomplish.

And doesn't it get tiring begging for a Poe in every thread you post in? I bet if I was a thread about cooking spaghetti I would find a post from you whinging about HT not releasing a "What's the Plan?" Beta-Male Poe.

"Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering"

It is not that I disagree with you because I do not. The new Disney movies follow the same path as our schools with forcing the ideology of a point of view, rather than achieving what is important (for the movies it is a good story/ schools it is a good education). Hollywood has not provided many original ideas in years and I fear it will only get worse as many notable directors retire. There are no directors pushing the envelope as Lucas did.

It is too bad because with today's technology, anything is possible.
You're right Big Mo. The movie studios don't know how to take risk anymore, and therefore we get remake after remake. It stifles new content and innovation.

At least the TV streaming service era has led to some creativity and risk taking as they forge their place. With some luck it will force and or show the studios to create. (or join them in Disneys case). However I guess we do get things like The Mandalorian which is at least new in a familiar environment.

I also like Jake26's take on forced ideology over a good story. So many dumbed down storylines and nothing left open to interpretation.
Looks like the forum update deleted my original reply so here we go again...

I have always said the prequels are garbage movies and I will never stop pointing that out to fanboy apologists. I don't partake in revisionist history, but the prequels are infinitely better than these trash Disney sequels filled with gender tropes and racist stereotypes. Critiques of the PT and ST have totally different talking points and if you can't tell the difference that is your problem. Jar Jar is a far better written character than any of the new Disney ones we have seen in the ST because he actually has a character arc. Why do you think they are bringing back the Emperor? Because the new movies have completely failed to spark any interest in the new characters and now they have to fall back on nostalgia for the OT to save this debacle of a trilogy. "Let the past die" has backfired on Disney pretty badly.

TLJ: "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
TROS: "No ones ever really gone." {puts back together helmet, Emperor laughs}

If these two movie quotes don't demonstrate what an inept and poorly planned failure this trilogy is I don't know what does. At least the prequels were able to string together an amateurish and horribly written, yet coherent storyline, something JJ and Ruin completely failed to accomplish.

And doesn't it get tiring begging for a Poe in every thread you post in? I bet if I was in a thread about cooking spaghetti I would find a post from you whinging about HT not releasing a betamale Poe "What's the Plan?" Dameron.

Oh man lol.

Did you really refer to someone as ?Ruin?. I can?t even with this lol. I?ve never read anything so childish before.

Doesn?t it get tiring following me to every thread and complaining about someone who likes more than just three Star Wars movies?

?Betamale? someone needs to go back to Brietbart comment sections
You're right Big Mo. The movie studios don't know how to take risk anymore, and therefore we get remake after remake. It stifles new content and innovation.

At least the TV streaming service era has led to some creativity and risk taking as they forge their place. With some luck it will force and or show the studios to create. (or join them in Disneys case). However I guess we do get things like The Mandalorian which is at least new in a familiar environment.

I also like Jake26's take on forced ideology over a good story. So many dumbed down storylines and nothing left open to interpretation.

"Hey! We don't serve their kind here."


"Your droids. They'll have to wait outside. We don't want them here."

KEEP YOUR POLITICAL & SOCIAL COMMENTARY OUT OF MY STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Him and jango mia on the deets... what's the next big toy show or comic con?

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There's Toy Fair but I don't think Sideshow usually goes to that. There may be some international ones, but I don't know any until SDCC in July.
Jango has more than likely been canceled at this point with the advent of the Mandalorian.

As for Kit....he's a bit of a wild card....he may still be in play. If he's MIA in this year's convention circut, then he's a goner.
Kit wasn't even quite finished looking at SDCC. It was pretty rough looking in person. It might come out but I think it'll be a while.

I don't think there's any way Jango is cancelled. He was a pretty big villain and the headsculpt would be easily reused from Cody.
Meh Kit Fisto,

If I'm gonna spend that kind of money, it will be on Grievous.

That is the big one I'm waiting for.

They've done such a great job with all the PT figures, but Grievous is the big one I'm patiently waiting for.