I'm sorry to say this... because I really love this forum and the people on it, but some you people are inconsiderate morons.
Just because there's a company doing a license that you have no interest in... then the company is 'wasting resources' when they could be making something 'for you'? ..really???
It's not like they thought "hey.. we could do Back to the Future... no wait... ^^^^ that... lets do Mars Attacks instead... that'll piss some people off!!"
they're not taking anything away from you... they're simply giving something to those of us who would like things in our collections other than the regular, predictable summer blockbusters of the day.
Why would you want to take away the chance for us to own something that we like... ? Simply because you don't like it??
....that's just selfish.
I can understand people saying "i have no interest in this film, therefore I won't be buying this" ...hell, I've said this about a LOT of the stuff Hot Toys has made.
But to say "what the hell are they doing? I'm disgusted!! Hot Toys You better change your minds!! you owe us better figures!!" (which is in essence what a lot of you have been saying) ..... is both inconsiderate, and stupid.
There... rant over. I've pissed off a bunch of you. Time to go back to work lol
Some people sound like 30 y.o. spoiled brats....