Looks like we can file Endor Leia as "never gonna happen".
What are they thinking with that 3p0
While I agree they need an OT 3po... I like the super weathered EP 2 version... and I'm not a prequel apologist. He just looks cool.
Has Hot Toys ever done a two pack? I'd be all in on that (Endor Luke and Leia) but I can't imagine them selling both together when they could probably make more money doing each separate, no?
Has Hot Toys ever done a two pack? I'd be all in on that (Endor Luke and Leia) but I can't imagine them selling both together when they could probably make more money doing each separate, no?
I'd love the two pack, but would gladly purchase just Luke if they ever get around to releasing it. As I said earlier, it seems almost unfair, lol, how quickly Bespin Leia was revealed and then opened for pre-order, while Endor Luke continues to do the rounds at seemingly any convention that Hot Toys displays at...with still no news on it at all. Soon, hopefully soon!
Ah fudge, lol! I'm probably one of three people in the world NOT excited at all to see Crait Luke being released for pre-order, as I'm guessing that is going to push back Endor Luke indefinitely, if it ever even will be released.
Ah fudge, lol! I'm probably one of three people in the world NOT excited at all to see Crait Luke being released for pre-order, as I'm guessing that is going to push back Endor Luke indefinitely, if it ever even will be released.
Well they never even showed Crait Luke before putting it out there, so I wouldn't throw hope away. They just showed Endor Luke last week. I really think we'll get any OT main characters they show off.