This has to be the worst ever SDCC for Star Wars. Hot Toys seems to have completely forgotten about the OT.
I was just thinking the same thing - who would have thought that
R5D4 would alone hold the flame of 1/6 OT amidst several dozen SW figs at SDCC?

And that R5 would be a BOBF version anyway?
Great for clone fans, but it blows me away that HT would produce so many Bad Batch characters and sooooo much AOTC clone-related stuff when Han Bespin sits in limbo. Or that pit droids would be shown when they haven't PO'ed missing-in-action OT 3PO.
We are right now seeing the "category killer" aspect of that dozen or more Disney+ series arriving in the 1/6 space, taking all the oxygen from OT releases. Combined with AOTC as a massive focus (bizarre - no OT movie got this staggering number of anniversary releases) there really doesn't look like much room for 1/6 OT for many years to come.
With HT moving out of the OT 1/6 game, it makes it doubly sad that Sideshow lost their license to do realistic SW 1/6 (and yes, that is 100% what quietly happened about 2-3 years ago.)
A few OT releases here and there is all we'll get from now on, and some of those will just be tweaked sculpts from Disney+ redesigns like Scout Trooper + bike, "or take it or leave it for OT use" like D+ styled Tusken.
This year is sort of "end of an era" in terms of OT 1/6 collectibles. There are just far too many shiny new distractions for HT for the next decade - countless numbers of D+ series then a new movie series (or two) within that period to take up 90% or more of the available 1/6 slots.