The strangest thing with this figure is that if Marvel would have used this design in a film as the main suit, people would have flipped for if being too far of a derivative of the comic outfit and being all black ala the X-Men. Yet here it's being touted as the best Cap ever.
I'd be really surprised if we don't get a classic looking Cap with his shield. I'm thinking there'll be a scene with Tony giving Cap his shield back. Just a guess though.Question for everyone.. how likely is the next Cap going to be one with his trademark shield or a flashback Avengers 1 version? I really need a Cap, and either don't want the IW/10 yr versions, or don't want to pay out the butt for the near perfect CW version. I'm so miffed that I missed CW Cap.
I'm not so sure about that. The Strike Suit was his main one in Winter Soldier, and it's pretty far removed from the classic comic design. If they'd gone with this one instead of it in WS, I don't think too many people would have been upset. Everyone else on the Lemurian Star mission was dressed in black; I remember thinking Cap should have been too.
Question for everyone.. how likely is the next Cap going to be one with his trademark shield or a flashback Avengers 1 version? I really need a Cap, and either don't want the IW/10 yr versions, or don't want to pay out the butt for the near perfect CW version. I'm so miffed that I missed CW Cap.
I own CW Cap, 10 year Cap is on order as is IW...and am fully confident the *last* Cap will be a *classic*. Not to mention like someone else posted they'll be milking IM and Evan's Cap for years.
I wish I had Ultron Cap now but not paying the kind of prices I see, even for used.
Not exactly, cause the stealth suit was inspired heavily by the comic version of Commander Steve Rogers when Bucky took over the mantle of Captain America.
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Not sure how this compares to what you’d want to pay, but...I own CW Cap, 10 year Cap is on order as is IW...and am fully confident the *last* Cap will be a *classic*. Not to mention like someone else posted they'll be milking IM and Evan's Cap for years.
I wish I had Ultron Cap now but not paying the kind of prices I see, even for used.
Not sure how this compares to what you’d want to pay, but...
I came very late to the party (just recently started collecting).
I figured that if I wanted to own any of the older figures I had to bite the bullet. So I got myself the CW, AoU, First Rescue Mission and The Avengers versions of Cap. All in unopened shippers. Don't ask how much that set me back... Pre-order prices on sideshow seems extremely reasonable to me now, however....
To complete the Cap evolution, I just need either the Stealth Strike Suit or the Golden Age Captain America suit from Winter Soldier (leaning towards the last, but haven't been able to find a new unopened version yet).
I have IW and the concept art Cap pre-ordered (along with 7 other figures), and highly expects to pre-order the Avengers 4 version as well...
Yep I do like my Cap...
That's good to know. Yeah there's no need for them to stop making him. People still buy it. My best bet is patience. It's weird how over the past week or so I've been feeling anxious about not being able to get the Cap I want haha.