Skull ill snap a few next to other figures too haven't seen Many of those too to ease the wait. I really do think this is just a beautiful figure though, best ever is the head. Hot toys is back boys, crisp paint job matte finish on quality plastic, no more of this oily makeupy look you saw in all the avengers and red skull and Gordon and whatnot. This is back to the level of their best like wolverine and aldo reign.
Jack and other MGS experts... I really want to do me up a naked snake in fatigues. I should just slap the HT head on the metal boss and be happy with the peace walker version but I just can't seem to shake the need for Snake Eater in fatigues.
Anyway my question is this. Do you think if dyed a little cooler/darker green the metal boss jungle fatigues (the alternate to the OD) would substitute of for the Snake camo fatigues like medicom did for their second version? I really love the idea of painting the face too I always loved that look on snake. It would make me ok with not having the iconic tiger stripe look.
Personally the metal boss BDU are bad, really bad.
Here's my PW one.
This is a uniform made by toy soldier and easily available on ebay.

for my snake ater version I used a tiger stripe easily available on ebay but not 100% accurate, i just found one that is better looking.