Super Freak
Looks like a darn accurate sculpt to me.

That would blow. That's how she looked during the final battle, right?
Can't quite remembering you fight her unzipped or if she unzips afterwards. Rob?
Either way, I'll be displaying with the poncho on anyway.
Wait, is that supposed to be a woman?
Well it's all subjective of course, but the game shot looks a lot more like her than the figure in my opinion (I can tell the game model is supposed to look like her, but the HT sculpt bears no resemblance to me). And like I said before, the game model definitely has suggestions of femininity that don't come through in the HT sculpt to me. If you haven't played the game through, not being as familiar with her face, it might be harder to notice how off the sculpt is. I'm not always picky about HT sculpts, but this is one where, to me, they really missed the mark.I don't see what's off. Neither the figure or the CG looks like Charlotte Rampling.
Guys, about the head-sculpt, both Kojima and Shinkawa were involved in the approval process for these figures (like they always are). So, most likely, that's the way they wanted The Boss' face to be designed, and I'm guessing that she's not supposed to look like Charlotte Rampling anymore.
Well its not because they aprouved it that we should say it looks good.
It isn't bad but to me way to far from the game representation.
That's not what I meant. Like I mentioned before, character designs tend to change with each new MGS game. For example: Snake's facial transformation from MGS 3 to Peace Walker, and then to 3DS. So maybe, The Boss isn't supposed to look like Charlotte Rampling, like she did previously.
Yeah I can understand that.
But still it is missing a small feminine look though.
She look too she-male atm IMO.
Yeah, I'm not digging the re-design either. Maybe if they gave the eye-brows a more flatted look (and a less serious one) and widened the cheek area, then she'd look more recognizable.