Hot Toys Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater - The Boss

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bangkok wolf, your acrylic displays are pretty awesome. i just looked at your page. the dio with the RAH is top notch. i really wanna copy you. sadly i dont have an area id like to put a dio right now. i suppose i could find one. i did display mine with plants though.


These still look much better in my opinion. Closer to the art!

Although i haven't seen HotToys figure in real life

No, you're right, the Medicom figures are more accurate to Shinkawa's art work, compared to the Sneaking Suit figure that Hot Toys released last year.

While Hot Toys strives to create the most realistic sculpts (or at least they claim to), Medicom is very good at their anime and video game figures. I also find that Medi unnecessarily gets a bad rap on this board from Hot Toys pole squatters, who do nothing but complain about the inaccuracies of their Hot Toys figures, and still waste their money by buying more Hot Toys figures. I can't really understand that logic, to be honest :dunno
Im still disappointed Medicom didn't fully utilize the licence. Hopefully HotToys embrace it.

If not i want it to go back to medicom, they've improved greatly and they stay true to the source material!
Im still disappointed Medicom didn't fully utilize the licence. Hopefully HotToys embrace it.

If not i want it to go back to medicom, they've improved greatly and they stay true to the source material!

I really have an appreciation for Shinkawa's art work. It's funny that Medicom did a better job in representing his art in their figures, than Shinkawa did with the PAK line :lol.
bangkok wolf, your acrylic displays are pretty awesome. i just looked at your page. the dio with the RAH is top notch. i really wanna copy you. sadly i dont have an area id like to put a dio right now. i suppose i could find one. i did display mine with plants though.



Thanks mate,the dio also adds greenery to the room. But the thing about it is sometimes I just want to get rid of it as it takes the space that could store 2-3 figures.

Tried putting The Boss in the dio, doesn't really work IMO. White space suit like doesn't fit in the jungle :lol
Watch out with that pose. We don't want your Big Boss & Boss suit to fuse together do we?

bangkok wolf, your acrylic displays are pretty awesome. i just looked at your page. the dio with the RAH is top notch. i really wanna copy you. sadly i dont have an area id like to put a dio right now. i suppose i could find one. i did display mine with plants though.

Not sure why most people don't dig both HT Big Boss & Boss. They are probably the only HT ended up in the bargain bin.

Even with $100 i passed both of them. Maybe The Boss doesn't look as grand as in the game and the chest part doesn't turn people on. And maybe most people don't like the suit Big Boss is wearing.
You might want to swap a male body on her because she looks too small in the original and give her blutac ****s.

If you just want to up her cup size you can use blutac and increase the size. Just remember to wrap the chest with some plastic wrapper so the blutac won't stain the body and after you are done wrap another layer of wrapper before you put back the suit.

I've applied blutacs on arms & butts to make the body look bulkier and it's a cheap solution.

What I want to achieve is getting her bust bigger as you stated instead of having none if the suit is zipped up
to look more like this... (Meaning noticeable unlike what we have)

I don't really pose my figure with wild poses anyway (except for PAK Solidus)
Not sure why most people don't dig both HT Big Boss & Boss. They are probably the only HT ended up in the bargain bin.

Even with $100 i passed both of them. Maybe The Boss doesn't look as grand as in the game and the chest part doesn't turn people on. And maybe most people don't like the suit Big Boss is wearing.

Snake was based off the Naked Sample demo and not his actual appearance in MGS3. Even then they got the hair wrong. There's so many wrongs with the HT MGS line, it's probably my least favorite MGS figures.

However though, they are not bad figures. The sculpt, paintwork, etc are excellent. It's just too bad they are not the renditions most hardcore MGS fans wanted.
Not sure why most people don't dig both HT Big Boss & Boss. They are probably the only HT ended up in the bargain bin.

Even with $100 i passed both of them. Maybe The Boss doesn't look as grand as in the game and the chest part doesn't turn people on. And maybe most people don't like the suit Big Boss is wearing.

It's because they are bad figures. They aren't accurate to the source material, they were way overpriced to begin with, The Boss has a terrible sculpt and awful articulation, they based Naked Snake on the worst possible design they could have went with him, etc... It's just Hot Toys doing what they do best: releasing subpar figures with detailed but highly inaccurate face sculpts and charging premium prices. I remember when I use to dream about Hot Toys acquiring licenses I liked. Now I pray every night they don't grab licenses for the anime and games I enjoy because it basically denies actually decent companies like Medicom from getting those rights instead.
Japanese company will never give out license to non Japanese companies.

You hardly see non Japanese companies releasing cartoon 12". It's either Medicom, Takara or some oddball Japanese Company you never heard of.

Ok they did give Appleseed to HT. But Takara had the license 1st.

Resident Evil series were pretty good, not 100% accurate but satisfying.

It's because they are bad figures. They aren't accurate to the source material, they were way overpriced to begin with, The Boss has a terrible sculpt and awful articulation, they based Naked Snake on the worst possible design they could have went with him, etc... It's just Hot Toys doing what they do best: releasing subpar figures with detailed but highly inaccurate face sculpts and charging premium prices. I remember when I use to dream about Hot Toys acquiring licenses I liked. Now I pray every night they don't grab licenses for the anime and games I enjoy because it basically denies actually decent companies like Medicom from getting those rights instead.
used to. were talking presently. thats one site. also, $120 wasnt what you said originally, and you didnt include shipping. shippng counts to me too in the overall price. $140 is still a steal though. if you find me a trend then ill agree with your point.