Super Freak
Amiami has it for approx. 109 before shipping.... shipping should be less than USD 40.. You can use the small packet registered to save more on shipping
Does anybody think the Boss looks like Cate Blanchett in MGS3?
The Hot Toys sculpt looks like a transgendering Anna Paquin.
She looks more like this
The Boss was modeled after Charlotte Rampling, by the way.
We've already gone through all of that. The figure actually looks much better in person, than in the pictures. Hot Toys did make some slight modifications to make it look less manly.
The Boss was modeled after Charlotte Rampling, by the way.
I am sure you guys have mentioned it. I am late to the party.
I will take your word and put her on the to buy list
She looks creepy on Dexter, she's got weird eyelids. She taught Dex CQC murder.
I own this figure.