Hot Toys Michael Jackson?? Next M Icon fig?

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doesnt have to be his later years,could be his early career.
Even though I have no interest in a MJ figure, I wouldn't be surprised if the figure was him. But I would much rather have an Elvis figure. Especially by HT.
if its movie then does that mean we get a 'moonwalker' MJ?

And you know what song he does in Moonwalker...Smooth Criminal,man i would be so over that one!!!

If we only knew what the M stands for it would be so much easier,if its Movie i dont think they would make a MJ.

The first was Marlon Brando right?The M doesnt mean that it is a Legend starting with a M in his name is it?

HT would probably call it directly Movie Icons if that was the case,they call other toys Movie Masterpieces dont they?hmmmmmm...
All of you who think he is, let me ask you this, if you thought he had molested your children would you let him buy you off, or would you not let it lie once he offered to pay you millions of dollars? Michael is weird, but Do I think he molests children? no. No self-respecting parent would stop once they got money if they really believed it had happened. Speaking from experience on this one.

That's the thing though, no self respecting parent would hand over their kids to him in the first place. The people who pimp out their kids to him are all money hungry weirdos, therefore they could care less about their usually very ill children.
I have a good question, does anyone here know what the "M" stands for with this new line?

Ive been asking for that 2 times now,im about to email HT about that,when MJ(Mary jane) rumours start i must know right away:lol
I just don't see how it could be elvis from the description(dancing technique) the new body would go well with mike. Oh well, we should find out soon enough. (james brown would be another good guess)


I think another Elvis figure would be boring, but while I wouldn't buy a Michael Jackson figure, it would certainly be something new.

Maybe they'd go for his Smooth Criminal gangster outfit?? That's more old school.

It will probably be Elvis though, because of the controversial aspect of MJ.
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