Super Freak
Man, that thing looks to be about the size of a roast turkey Can't think anything else to compare it to
Congrats, Tee-Kay! This is such a beauty. Did you have trouble finding place to display it? The size gave me pause.
I've been tempted to get Rey's speeder but the potential quality of the paint work has been a concern for me too.
How bad is the paint on the smaller details? Like just that it doesn't hold up in closer pics, or is it still a bit noticeable even from a normal viewing distance?
It's too bad it looks like they just referenced one of the scaled shooting models and enlarged it, without actually scaling up the amount of detail. That dashboard just looks empty.
Compared to what IzzyMel put together, the JazzInc version is severely lacking.
If Hot Toys vehicles are $800, and the JazzInc is $1,300, I can understand the price premium for 'custom', but it shouldn't lack the detail of similarly-scaled counterparts.
About Izzymel cockpit, it is clearly more detailed but, if i'm not mistaken, it is a one off project. basically, the guy is making his own. How many hours does he put on that project? Could he offer the same level of details even for a small run? And how much would that cost?
Everything starts as a one-off, that's your prototype, and you move on from there. You refine your process and iron out all the kinks, so by the time you're making the fifth iteration, you're making it in less than half the time it took you to make the prototype.
Citing one-off labor of loves like Izzy's cockpit is not really relevant - with unlimited time on a single custom project, almost anything is possible.
Why is Joost's cockpit not an 'unlimited time' thing? Why is he not making it perfect? Or at least near enough. Is it not a custom-made item? No other customizers are on a time schedule. They keep working at their prototype until they're satisfied with it.
Though I understand it may be a rhetorical question as Tee-Kay explained above that, for whatever reason, Joost is beholden to customers to deliver some product on a timely basis ... which is not something I can agree with.
Thanks. I know lots of fans called this sequence pure fan service but it did work for me. An older Luke reflecting on the past and possibly remembering the first time he entered the Falcon cockpit while they were chasing that lone Tie Fighter and soon got caught into the Death Star tractor beam.
IzzyMei's one-off project has been WIP for more than five years. Maybe you're planning to live to 130, but most aren't.
I'm still of the mind that if Hot Toys had produced this I would have tried to make it work for whatever price they put it at. The best part with HT too would have been putting all the tiny batteries into 20 different places and having to turn on 20 different switches for all the lights to work.