Hot Toys -MMS 115 -WATCHMEN - The Comedian- Spec and pics

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I honestly don't see much difference. I packed my Comedian away a while ago. A comparison shot may help. Looks cool either way.
There is a slight difference in the arms but the most noticeable is the torso.The original body is a great body but that maybe would of been fit for a young version of Comedian.The older version of him was a stockier more broad of man which the Chris Redfield body sculpt seems to match that description better.I'll see if i can borrow my buddys figure so i can take a side by side comparison shot for you.I'm glad that everyone likes this mod.THANK YOU ALL!
Hello Everyone!My Comedian is finally complete!As you already know the Comedian comes with a button minus the smiley face and even the guns don't have it so i have to give a BIG THANX to RAY for making my figure complete.IMO the Comedian looked like just some guy dressed-up as the Comedian because he didn't have those smiley faces.Now he looks PERFECT!It's funny how the little things in life make such a BIG difference!Anyway,i took some more PICS so you all can see for yourselves.Let me know what you think!:wink1:
thanks guys I'm happy with him. very happy! I can do sets for people. PM me if you are interested, I'll try to keep it as inexpensive as I can for the sets. the cost will mostly be for covering my expenses, the paper, gloss coat and ink, shipping and just a little for my time. Paper is what costs the most.

Mr. Ferraro,

I would love a decal set to complete my Hot Toys Comedian. I'm new to this forum, so I couldn't send you a PM just yet until I post something like 5 posts? Anyhow, are you still making or can you still make a set of decals for me?

Buttons and stuff came out nice. Small detail but it IS necessary. Looks awkward without 'em. Great mods CeeemOr. Best Comedian so far.
Man, I didn't want to go near this line because it seems like they are never going to finish it, but the pictures in this thread really make me want him.

Man, I didn't want to go near this line because it seems like they are never going to finish it, but the pictures in this thread really make me want him.


Man the figure has badass written all over it! u should get him!
He is such an iconic character as well...

I wish HT would pull their fingers out and give us what we want on this one.

Who the heck is desperate for a Perseus figure anyway? In five years Clash of the Titans will just be another forgotten 'blockbuster', Watchmen will always be well, Watchmen.
Hi all! I'm new to the forum and still trying to figure out how this all works. I am expecting to get my HT Comdedian figure in any day now and had no idea that the buttons didn't have the smiley faces on them until browsing on YouTube for reviews on the figure. Anyhow, I was led to this forum and specifically to Raymond Ferraro who seems to have made custom decals to resolve this problem. Can anyone else help me? I can't seem to contact Raymond directly yet as I am new and I am required to have at least 5 posts or something like that before I can send a PM I think. Any help would be appreciated! The Comedian will just not be complete without the decals! Thanks!
So I'll post some pics tomorrow along with My Leoon custom and VT Haritigan and everything else I've been promising I'll post all over the many threads Ive been involved in in this board :D

I probably was the leader of the no-smiley _____fest but now that I've solved the problem I am a HAPPY camper :D

I ended up using my waterslide decals. The damn thing worked like a dream The first time this has ever happened to me while using waterslide decals. I am now a fan.

So to my suspicion, yah there is a little bunching going on from the concave shape but i can live with it. scratch that I'm HAPPY with the result. the little defects are no more noticeable than the subtle flaking and non-solid transfers on the ones BV posted. We are going to have to accept these can not be perfect.

the ones on the gun turned out and look PERFECT!

DON' T and remove the button from the armor as the paint chips easily. I touched it up so the color is blended but there is still a little chip making it not a perfect circle but its half a mm... still bothers me though as Im OCD.

there is hope and now Comedian is one of my all time faves. Still no excuse for HT to cheap out on us though :(

emarae I PMed you. check your PM box at the top right side of the site!

Hmm.. Raymond, thanks for getting back to me. I got the PM but tried to reply and still can't due to not having enough posts on the forum yet. Strange... Anyhow, I'll simply thank you here and send you payment asap! Thanks a million for doing this and getting back to me! My Comedian won't be complete without those decals!
Some of these forum limits are annoying if you're new. I can't even view signature links until I have something like 10 posts? Bah! I suppose I'll get there soon enough. Thanks again to all and I'm loving all the great pics in info on this forum.

Hey Emarae,WELCOME!You won't regret getting these smileys from Ray!:exactly:Just one small word of advise,BE PATIENT!These things are really small and even though they're made really durable they can break if not careful.Believe me it will make things so much easier.You'll see!Ray again i wanna say THANX BRO!Seriously,before these my Comedian just looked blah but now i look at him every chance i get.:wink1:
New Captain America suit (for the 2011 movie). Methinks something looks vaguely familiar...

Is that an official picture? Just looks drawn on to me.

I thought the 2011 Cap movie would be set exclusively in WW2 with The Avengers movie bringing him into the modern day?
According to this source, it's the real deal, m'man.

Personally, I'm disappointed Caps doesn't have the "wings" on the helmet.

In the 'never gonna happen' file, the design made me think it'd be cool in some "Elsewhere" story to see the Comedian somehow go rogue & face-off against Caps in a fight. Who'd win? Lol... :)
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