Mr. EcKo
OG Freak
Success!!!!!! he stands again
Sent From My Sony Xperia Using EckoTalk
Sent From My Sony Xperia Using EckoTalk
death by snu-snu!!!!
Thanks Freaks - yes Dexter is the F*$King man
Nobody knows forsure, but there hasn't been any indications of anything thus far.
Thanks, and that's what I was afraid, just give me a Reese and all new Endo and I can die happy
Thats what i want , i missed out on the t-800 endo and i'm not paying $500 for one .
Heres my list of Terminator figures i want made by Hot Toys
The Terminator
Battle Damaged Ahhhhnuld from the climax of the film
Kyle Reese
Endoskeleton T-800
Sarah Connor with her banana ****ies and awesome 80's hair
Terminator 2
John Connor (Furlong)
Battle Damaged Ahhhhnuld (Steel Mill)
T-1000 Frozen
T-1000 Mimimic Poly Alloy Version
Terminator 3
Ahhhhhhnuld T-850
Ahhhhnuld Battle Damaged ( Burnt head)
Final battle Ahhhnuld (all f&$ked up)
Terminator Salvation
Kyle Reese
Naked Ahhhnuld
T-800 Endo
i'd buy 10. i think. there is no too many skeletons - complete, damaged, taken apart for customsIf HT did another T-800 Endo I'd buy two.
Thats what i want , i missed out on the t-800 endo and i'm not paying $500 for one .
Heres my list of Terminator figures i want made by Hot Toys
The Terminator
Battle Damaged Ahhhhnuld from the climax of the film
Kyle Reese
Endoskeleton T-800
Sarah Connor with her banana ****ies and awesome 80's hair
Terminator 2
John Connor (Furlong)
Battle Damaged Ahhhhnuld (Steel Mill)
T-1000 Frozen
T-1000 Mimimic Poly Alloy Version
Terminator 3
Ahhhhhhnuld T-850
Ahhhhnuld Battle Damaged ( Burnt head)
Final battle Ahhhnuld (all f&$ked up)
Terminator Salvation
Kyle Reese
Naked Ahhhnuld
T-800 Endo