Yeah the rooted hair strands on the underneath of the scalp is long n hard lol.

Yeah the rooted hair strands on the underneath of the scalp is long n hard lol.
I finally got my Resident Evil 1 figure finished and I'm very pleased with it! Thanks again Bakurenoh for pointing me in the direction of the Zombie Huntress set, and the inspiration to do the hair transplant!
Now I'm getting bits and pieces together to attempt the Apocalypse version. Haven't yet decided whether to try sculpting the hairstyle for that as I haven't done anything like that before.
Awesome! I like your style! I was watching an Apocalypse Alice custom and it ended this morning for £168 on ebay and the reserve was still not met. And i dont think it at all nearly warranted the price.
Is the zombie huntress outfit still available online?
--Probably is, but wow, is it pricey now.
Only ballers like Skiman can afford.:
Is the zombie huntress outfit still available online?
I'm trying to find something similar to Alice's orange top from Apocalypse to use in my next figure, but haven't had much luck. I tried cuttting down an orange body suit but made a bit of a mess of it. If anyone has any ideas I'd greatly appreciate it.