Re: Hot Toys - MMS - The Avengers: Agent Phil Coulson
Has no bearing on this figure. People may love him as a character but as a figure it'll be very un-intersting on a shelf. The look is just very bland, nothing exciting other than the BFG to look at.
People don't buy Predator or Tron merchandise just because they like the characters, they buy them because they look unique and cool.
This won't.
Almost anyone will recognise Spider-Man as Spider-Man on a shelf in five years, same with Iron Man and and a Tron Lightcycle, i don't imagine people would immdiatley think of that guy who was in Avengers a few years back when they see this.
Hardcore fans will get him, but even that isn't assured as the price will be too high for some of those and tons of other figures coming makes some choose to skip.
Next to Noland this is the most niche character they've chosen.
The Chitauri at least looks visually interesting, so that'll get some sales based on its unique look alone. This is nice for hardcore completionist fans, but has no pulling power for any others.
Dear Nova:
I see you are upset about the amount of figures in the Avengers line, somehow seeing this as HT having decided to pass on making figures that you personally want. Reality check as follows:
1. As a single individual, HT does not care what you personally want. Nor do they care what I want.
2. "X figure [pardon the pun] created means Y figure is not created" exists only in your own head. There is zero evidence this is what HT is doing.
3. You think Predator and Tron stuff looks cool. This does not mean everyone does. For instance, Star Wars bores me to tears. Yet I am not in every SW thread crying about how SW stuff being made is stopping stuff from my favorite franchise being made. You seem to think that if you cry long enough, HT will take pity on you and cancel Coulson and the Chitauri.
Dream on.
4. In five years, who will remember "X-Men: First Class"? I won't. I havent even seen the damn thing, and have no plans to. I have heard nothing but ill about it, to be honest.
5. People like Coulson, just like you like the characters portrayed in the collectibles you purchase. Your argument here seems to be "I don't think he's cool, so HT STOP THIS CRAZY THING!" as you run endlessly on the same little treadmill of angst. Good luck with that, it does not seemed to have worked well for you so far.
The character deserves his own figure and if you do not like it, that is too bad. Its going to happen anyways.
Someday soon it will be your turn to get what you want, so stop whining already and be patient, like everyone else has to be patient. DEAL WITH IT.