Coulson is out on friday.
Pretty simple figure so it's understandable he'd be on schedule. Still a bit annoyed he's gonna be out before the MK VII, Hulk and the Amazing Spider-man
Coulson is out on friday.
Pretty simple figure so it's understandable he'd be on schedule. Still a bit annoyed he's gonna be out before the MK VII, Hulk and the Amazing Spider-man
He's not on schedule he's about a month early.
Sideshow's product page still shows June unless you are referring to HK.
I wonder if this (Shield TV, Coulson resurrection) is why the UK version of the Avengers Blu-ray had the top of Loki's spear painted out?
When he impales him?
I gave up a long time ago guessing (or caring!) when Sideshow eventually get their figures. Out in HK on friday. The official release.
i think they should kill off Tony in avengers 2
They would be shooting themselves in the foot to have anyone else play Tony Stark than Robert Downey Jr., I expect they will fork out the millions to get him in any Avengers movies, Ironman 4-on if they start back up, cameo's or whatever else they have planned.
Hawkeye was OK, but as far as the figure goes, it seems a lot of people hated the figure too, but not are playing the price.
Coulson is the glue that tied all the Avengers together and in the end brought them together as a team. I hope they really didn't kill him off, or I hope if he's in the Shield TV show (or what ever it is), they don't ruin his character.
I pre-ordered his figure the first day and have no plans but to place him side by side with my Nick Fury.
Wow even the box in the pic. Maybe we will see this guy next month after all.
Ok so then it doesn't sound crazy that I saw it 12 times in the theater. I'll tell you what - I'd pay about $500 right now to be able to see it for the first time again. I've never looked forward to a movie so much, and I've never enjoyed a movie the first time around so much. Ever. Seeing it all come together was just awesome.
Coulson is coming out Friday in the Asian market, Sideshow gets it about a month later. They send out an e mail out about 2 weeks before they arrive
The smallest magazine scan ever but it is Coulson.
Once Agents of Shield hits, i think this guy is going to pick up on the secondary market.
Yeah looks like another bad HS from a good prototype possibly again. It's a small pic but the face looks too saggy even for Clark.
I hate when HT's does this
We'll see later, I could be wrong
Personally, I'd say that it is impossible to see anything meaningful from that picture that is of any relevance to HS details. It is just too darned small. Seeing as HT has managed to knock it out of the proverbial park on The Avengers so far, I am going to trust them on this one too.
We know for sure now that HT does actually change things before the final release (Thor's head being a prime example) so they do try to improve things for the better. If this is what has happened with Coulson, we have yet to see it in anything like decent photos with proper and balanced lighting.
It's in-hand pictures FTW.