Super Freak
with all of the upcoming IM figures, I don't think you'll be alone in this decision.
Maybe the box will be die caste?
i plan on displaying Coulson and Fury with the pre-Avengers figures of Thor, Cap, the IM Mark VI, War Machine, Blade, Wolverine, red & blue Spiderman, and Abagail Whistler
Dont sleep on the BW figure,its one of the best figures in person.question guys, not sure if it's one that has already been explored
I was toying with the idea of getting Coulson as i now intend to get all of the Avenges, in fact, there's only Widow who i need to put any money down on, and i was reluctant about her as i'm not the biggest fan of that figure
however, to have every avenger but widow would be silly
I also have Fury as i consider him the leader (not on the field, that's Cap!)
and then this left me pondering about Coulson, is he an avenger, should I have him with my Avenges team? I mean he's techincally dead now (or not, jeez, i dunno)
What are you guys thinkng, believe it or not the opinions of folks on this board may sway me one way or the other ion this one
Dont sleep on the BW figure,its one of the best figures in person.
Dont sleep on the BW figure,its one of the best figures in person.
Couldn't agree more!