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Dude, he was injured pretty badly when fighting Rey... and still did fairly well, plus Rey may have been trained when she was young, we simply dont know

I think it is pretty well established she at minimum was there when the Knights of Ren attacked the New Jedi Temple. The lightsaber flooded her mind with memories, right after seeing the slaughter of the padawans/knights she remembers being left on Jakku.
Hopefully Sideshow is shipping to other third parties first. Ordered from BBTS.

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I agree with this a lot. This movie is very good, I enjoy it very much, I want to like it more than I actually do in the end though. All the new characters were great, yet at the same time fell a little flat for me, I can't quite put me finger on it.

Well, we're still in the recovery period after millions worldwide collectively screamed in joy - "it's not the prequels all over again, and you can actually follow the story!" And a new SW movie that has Han and the Falcon in lead roles, dozens of iconic OT elements, designs and imagery, and a plot that recycles the very best story parts and sequences of the classic three movies with a real fan's eye ("hey let's combine Hoth and the Death Star and call it a name every fan remembers from early Star Wars drafts - Starkiller!") was always going to be a sublime experience and was always going to gross $2B+ worldwide.

It's just how it lasts and resonates - how it stays with you like the OT so powerfully did (probably a dozen characters became really beloved to millions for decades.) People forget that in the days and weeks after TPM, even people like Kevin Smith were cautiously singing its praises - maybe out of confusion over how they felt. I'm not at all saying TFA is like TPM (I really enjoyed TFA a lot but didn't care for TPM even on first viewing,) but I'm saying there's a mania/euphoria that goes along with a new SW movie experience that definitely clouds the mind for quite a while.

I think the euphoria is wearing off for me, but I'm not saying I don't like the movie. I think maybe I was a little too easy to please and perhaps the filmmakers didn't bring enough original - or resonant - material to the project. But liking and not loving is okay (especially after the prequels,) and I still probably like Kylo enough to have him on the shelf next to old Han and Luke.:slap:lol
Great POV. I loved the movie but I'm not blind to the fact that I'm still in the honeymoon phase. Maybe I'll look back on it in a few months and still love it or maybe I'll look back and feel like I was seduced by the dark side of hype.
I loved the movie also but i did not expect too. I even told my girlfriend as we walked out that "i liked this much more than i could have imagined." It was not perfect and I would have liked something besides another death star but it was well done. I can't think of a movie i liked in the theater that i did not like as much months (or even years) later. I either like it or i don't.
I loved the movie also but i did not expect too. I even told my girlfriend as we walked out that "i liked this much more than i could have imagined." It was not perfect and I would have liked something besides another death star but it was well done. I can't think of a movie i liked in the theater that i did not like as much months (or even years) later. I either like it or i don't.

Yeah the whole having to blow up another superweapon was like "really?" Episode VIII or IX will have one that can blow up a galaxy if this trend continues lol. But other than that I'm a huge fan of all the newcomers and their character arcs, which surprised me.
I was seduced by hype but was disappointed by the movie. I was joking about it with my friends I went to see it with. Calling Ren's voice a bad version of DKR Bane, the "temper tantrum kid", and the weakest crybaby Sith to ever see the screen. Not to mention the "Hitler" speech that Hux gave was way overacted.

But now that it's had a chance to sink in, and I've seen it 4 times in the theatre, I'm liking it more! His voice seems cooler to me. The tantrums don't bother me as much cause they are just part of his character. And the fact that he took several hits not just by a bowcaster that blew everyone else into a wall but by lightsabers. So for him to let a hit get in from Finn and get beaten by Rey doesn't seem as bad.

So the Disney brainwashing is working on me.
"I'm being torn apart.I want to be free of this pain.I know what I have to do but I don't know if I can do it.Will you help me?"

Those lines are enough to justify me buying this figure and a version 2 plus any other scale the character comes in.
This is not a whiney character who has tantrums.Nor is he the chosen one.
He is conflicted.He sees the power of his grandfather that he wishes he could live up to.He sees his father as weak, yet he knows they can bring him back to the light with their love, he can not see past his own selfish desires in what he is doing to those that love him.His overconfidence becomes his weakness and berates himself for his failures and snaps because of this.
He is definitely a "grey" character, neither lightside or fully dark.
That is what I love about this character and the performance that Driver gave.
"I'm being torn apart.I want to be free of this pain.I know what I have to do but I don't know if I can do it.Will you help me?"

Those lines are enough to justify me buying this figure and a version 2 plus any other scale the character comes in.
This is not a whiney character who has tantrums.Nor is he the chosen one.
He is conflicted.He sees the power of his grandfather that he wishes he could live up to.He sees his father as weak, yet he knows they can bring him back to the light with their love, he can not see past his own selfish desires in what he is doing to those that love him.His overconfidence becomes his weakness and berates himself for his failures and snaps because of this.
He is definitely a "grey" character, neither lightside or fully dark.
That is what I love about this character and the performance that Driver gave.

You get it!

It is just my opinion.
After the 1 st viewing I was in shock.WTF did I just see.Even in THAT moment it didn't hit me til the 2nd viewing when I was more emotional.
After seeing this 5 times so far I still really enjoy it and will no doubt see it again.
Really great figure by Hot toys!
I think that's a fantastic interpretation of the character. Much better than the paid movie "critics" that wrote off the character, basically because of their belief that he was flawed as a villian because he wasn't as intimidating, composed and seemingly infallible as prior antagonists such as Vader, Sidious, Maul, etc. I've seen claims Driver was miscast because he doesn't look like a villain. They've missed the whole point of the character and his story, in my opinion.
It is just my opinion.
After the 1 st viewing I was in shock.WTF did I just see.Even in THAT moment it didn't hit me til the 2nd viewing when I was more emotional.
After seeing this 5 times so far I still really enjoy it and will no doubt see it again.
Really great figure by Hot toys!

I literally had the same experience. I came out of the theater with my girlfriend opening night and she asked me what I thought. I just said "I don't know. Maybe my expectations were too high..?" I went and saw it again the next morning and everything clicked. My expectations were in check (yes Luke is only there for about 68 seconds and doesn't say a word). But everything that was there was so well done. Kylo wasn't Vader (yet), and that was okay. We're seeing his transformation and that's also why Han had to die. I came away from the theater so happy that I went home and preordered more TFA hot toys figures. Now that I've seen it 5, 6, 7 times, it's cemented as one of my favorite movies of all time. I simply can't wait for VIII, IX, and the anthology films.

I even heard yesterday that there is a high chance of a Kenobi trilogy between III and IV, starring Ewan McGregor... Can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you Disney..

But as for the Kylo figure, I'm so excited that somebody's order moved to shipping soon. It must mean we'll all have them in hand within the next 2-3 weeks.
Maybe its just the idea that he's conflicted is what bugs me about him. I dont need that from my villains. I typically like them to be pretty one dimensional, like Vader was. Just a bad guy on a mission who doesnt have all of this other information going on, he's just mysterious. As soon as they start making them out to be more than that, it kinda starts taking away from what I look for in villains, to just be an obstacle for the protagonists. Same reason why I love the Joker. Hes just a maniac, and thats all he is. I dont want to know all this other stuff about him.

Seeing Kylo crying, losing his cool, having daddy issues, looking so clean shaven when he takes his mask off... dunno, not my thing I guess. I actually like Darth Maul a lot more than Kylo, and he only has like 1 line in 1 movie! But he looked super cool, was basically a ninja, and only had one goal, to kill people. The character depth I like getting from the good guys, not the bad guys. Like with Luke, he was somewhat tempted by the dark side, so there was conflict in him, but not in Vader. Vader was just some guy with a mission.

I actually would have been ok with a lot of this stuff with Kylo had it been left for the novels. Almost like Force Awakens starts off where it ends right now... Kylo is further along, and we get hints about this stuff, but its not an entire movie about his conflict like 7 is, and it really made the character come off like he was very weak. When Rey defies him and even insults him, I really needed him to buckle down and cut her hand off or something, to show his resolve, to show he is the BOSS, but then he just ran back to Snoke with his tail between his legs looking like an upset puppy. Totally turned me off to him and wanted him to grow a pair. Really the only thing he did in this movie was kill a 90 year old defenseless man. Outside of that he just walked around, got insulted, then got beat up by a 19 year old girl.

He is really cool all the way up until he takes his mask off and the character drops off a cliff after that for me. He seems to start the movie off pretty strong, then actually gets weaker as the movie goes along. I have high hopes for him in 8 but in this one it wasnt working for me in the 2nd half of the movie. Still almost want the figure though just because he does look sharp in pix. Very photogenic.

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