Spark Extractor
Super Freak
Wonder why they went with a zipper instead of velcro on the sleeve? Doesn't make much sense.
You broke your zipper just like Dave? But this is new, no one else has mentioned the zipper problem before. Does it effect the ability to operate the switch?
Swear it took 20 minutes to get the zipper down. Have to take it down a few, hit resistance, move stuff around until it zips down a bit more, rinse and repeat.
Good idea guys.
I decided I liked Kylo so much I just bought a TFA stormie.
Stupid dumb Hot Toys.
Wonder why they went with a zipper instead of velcro on the sleeve? Doesn't make much sense.
Does Ren's saber glow like the pics? With the some red, some orange glowing areas -- or is it all solid and the photography is doing that?
Nope. That "ribbed" jerkin thing is UNDER his tunic/robe which is under his cloak/towel.