Super Freak
That's funny, I thought the Disney display was HT figures... NOT actual life-size costumes.
Nope. Apparently a life-size display.
That's funny, I thought the Disney display was HT figures... NOT actual life-size costumes.
thinking of using rewards to get this guy for about half off, he looks like a solid release.
I actually like the contrast in saber duels between the PT and the OT/TFA, because it makes sense that there would be. The PT was essentially the apex of the Jedi Order; a craft that had been perfected based on the knowledge and teachings for thousands of years passed down. With that, it makes sense that they (Qui-Gon, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Windu, etc.) would be experts at the craft and be extremely graceful and adept at saber combat.
Anyone in the new Jedi Order would essentially be taught on Luke's teachings, and I don't think even Luke himself had very graceful saber skills. Kylo I believe strayed before he even completed his training with Luke and went down his own path, so it also makes sense that his saber skills would also be somewhat maladroit. Very powerful within The Force as he demonstrated several times throughout the film, but not the best at saber combat.
But yeah, I also love the saber sounds in the final saber showdown with Rey.
Sadly i'm thinking of doing the same thing. I say sadly because Batman Returns was suppose to be my last HT for awhile maybe ever even but I really like this one. Thing is.................................................................2.0. Will there or won't there?
The shipping quote also pisses me off. Luke and Ben were both $10 shipped.
Yup, been out of the Hot Toys game since the TDKR line, this will probably pull me back in.
Honestly, I don't really care anymore if there's a 2.0. It's gonna happen eventually.![]()
TBH..would any of us even use the alternate head anyway?
I would. I wanted to get that Cregg custom but it's unpainted. I hate painting from scratch not sure I could get the likeness to driver right![]()
Your're not making this easy guyver! I am trying to justify spending $200 on a figure that doesn't come with a integral look he had in the film and then trying to plan out how disappointed i'm going to be when he is 2.0'D with said integral part.
I never saw the custom you speak of where is it
Ahh. Very nice. Let's see how close HT get's to that.
Thanks for the link.![]()
You've been overcharged. It should be £47. Contact FedEx. Your bill will say $305 total when it should be $265.
I dunno what I need to say to them lol
Just explain the situation and the maths, how it makes no sense etc.
Nice pics. Looks like you were on set."The map to Skywalker. We know you found it. And now you're going to give it to the First Order"
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Pose stolen. Great pics