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I still don't know a lot about it other than my guesses so I'm hoping I can keep it that way for another two weeks. I'm hoping to go into this with some room to be surprised. I hope.

As long as you aren't that active on things like twitter I am sure you can. Keep in mind that next monday if the official premier at the Chinese Theater so the stuff will definitely be leaking by then. So that is when you need to open up the bomb shelter.
I assume by Sunday I will avoid all social media, internet, news, and whatever i can to not have things revealed. Going to be hard for sure.
It's funny, I still remember to this day when I was a little kid sitting in the Chinese theater waiting to see STAR WARS for the first time in 1977 and these two nerds behind me were talking so loud and all I heard was "...that's why Vader doesn't die, they're going to make a sequel." :horror

I couldn't believe it. Talk about blowing the ending. That was my very first spoiler.
Screw it I'm going ebay. Worth it to lose my deposit for the greatest Star Wars character ever.

Will wait for them early pics. If you can, do unhooded kylo :D

I assume by Sunday I will avoid all social media, internet, news, and whatever i can to not have things revealed. Going to be hard for sure.

Same here. Will go from home to work to home with no internet at all starting 14th till 17th. Also asked my wife to stop social media as well.

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I was pretty active in the spoiler scene for the prequels. They were really the only movies I ever did any sort of spoiler following for. I guess for me Star Wars films are movies that I know I am going to watch a hundred times. I don't get as much out of shock/surprise that others do. I don't care if some plot twist is a surprise for me. I just want it to be good.

Fortunately I am also not the type of person who gets off ruining things for others. I have told my friends/family jack squat about the movie.
Will definitely steering clear of Facebook. All you need is a friend to like a page and it pops up in your news feed! Way too hard to avoid spoilers on there.
As long as you aren't that active on things like twitter I am sure you can. Keep in mind that next monday if the official premier at the Chinese Theater so the stuff will definitely be leaking by then. So that is when you need to open up the bomb shelter.

I'm almost at radio silence too now. I haven't posted in this section for a while and I'm not planning on posting in here very much if at all until I've seen the movie.

I assume by Sunday I will avoid all social media, internet, news, and whatever i can to not have things revealed. Going to be hard for sure.

Yeh its going to be a difficult time, especially with the Internet getting me through my day (Web Developer, not like I can get away from it), I'm not seeing it till the 22nd but at least once I get to the Friday afternoon its the work Christmas party and then I will be able to find things to entertain myself with... The hard part will be ignoring the Toy Soul news (at least I can check out the new Marvel and DC goodies) as its going to be a risk of a being spoiled figure reveal vs missing out on ordering something good if it goes up and sells out before that Tuesday night!
Yeah..... I wouldn't risk even going into the DC/Marvel sections. Who knows. Conversations here never stay on track. Personally... not a risk I would want to take. Then again I am seeing it the 18th and then coming home to see the figure reveals. Having to wait four days for both would be tough...
Yeah I think this entire forum is to be avoided until you've seen the films. I've certainly been spoiled on tv shows when I was in a thread that has nothing to do with them.
To be fair, we already knew what was going to happen at the end of ROTS. Was more about how.

With TFA, the door is wide open. It's an awesome feeling. That being said, I'll be off the internet after I finish finals. Going to spend all of next week rewatching 1-6 for the third time this year and playing battlefront until Thursday night when I finally see it! May the force (not spoilers) be with you all!
Some ******* will probably spoil it while you're sitting in the theater waiting for the previews to start.

There's no escape from it.

Two weeks ago i started to watch one episode each weekend. It's tough. The first episode is even embarrasing to watch with somebody new to the universe. It really is. And the other two episodes looks terrible nowdays with all that CGI stuff which aging much more rapidly than puppets and models from the original trilogy. At least for me.

I'm really looking forward to TFA with less green screen and more honest work with models and costumes.
Yeah I think this entire forum is to be avoided until you've seen the films. I've certainly been spoiled on tv shows when I was in a thread that has nothing to do with them.

:lecture Movies too. The spoiler becomes some kind of joke that everyone starts dropping in any and all threads.