Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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everyone is a jerk when it comes to something... like when blind han mistake nly knocked boba into the sarlacc pit. we're all just blind hans trying to fumble our way through a sand skif melee. let our differences wash away like the shifting dunes of tatooine and be thankful for our chewbaccas, landos, and lukes. may the force be with you regardless of how many pieces your bathing suit is.

Well said.

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Kathleen Kennedy appeared as a guest at The Archer Film Festival a few years back, which spotlights young student female filmmakers. To highlight her appearance, the festival made shirts that read "The Force is Female."

Thank you for the explanation. In the context, it makes more sense.

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I love when theres an obvious agenda and you have dip****s who try to deny it to the end. :lol :lol :lol
Fett will take off the helmet to reveal... a transgender.

Oh please. In your commentary here, replace the name Kathleen Kennedy with George Lucas and replace the word female with male. Then put KK's shirt on GL and change the words to "The Force is Male". Now try to make the same argument without making a jerk out of yourself.

Nah, just mansplaining why every word of what you just said was wrong.

Those T-shirts are probably fine for the target audience in the context of the event they were at. But once the image circulates on the internet it loses that context and excludes half the fan base.

Sure, women have been downtrodden for millennia and you could argue they deserve to get some of their own back. But reverse discrimination is still discrimination.

Kathleen Kennedy appeared as a guest at The Archer Film Festival a few years back, which spotlights young student female filmmakers. To highlight her appearance, the festival made shirts that read "The Force is Female."

Certain people have interpreted this as meaning that "Kathleen Kennedy hates men," because simple binary thinking makes it impossible for them to comprehend the idea that you can want to encourage young women as filmmakers without hating men. It's not a zero sum game.

In other words, the sexist t-shirts were part of a promotional campaign during a sexist film festival that was gender exclusive. How charming. Imagine having a film festival for men only, or white people only, and saying, "Well, you're taking the t-shirts out of context. "The Force is White" because only white people were allowed to participate in the festival. So the shirts are fine." :lol

The left is so absurdly prejudiced, they don't even know that they're being prejudiced. A non-prejudiced film festival would be meritocratic. It shouldn't even be a film festival for young people, so much as "new filmmakers" if you want to avoid prejudice toward adults, who can also be new filmmakers. Or stop caring about prejudice. I'm not an idealist, so much as I care about logical consistency.

More importantly... I wonder if the ESB Boba figure will get an early release, like the Vader/Tarkin two-pack?

Happens more and more these days.

I don't even call it "reverse" discrimination, because that sounds more like calling something "not discrimination". It was discrimination, then we reversed it? It's just discrimination.

You can't get angry at Hollywood being a boy's club, then have an all girl's film festival to "even the score" if you want to end prejudice. I'm not right or left wing. Both ideologies are problematic, but the left is particularly bigoted these days in attempting to achieve "equal representation".

More importantly, I'm hoping Hot Toys will correct the dome shape on the prototype for this figure, before it's released. I'm going for the Kenner look, so it doesn't really matter to me but it'd be nice to have an accurate ESB bucket!
Yes very well said. It is just discrimination pure and simple, whether it is trying to achieve an equal goal is irrelevant because it is failing at that so spectacularly.

Hollywood was, and is, to some degree the other end of the spectrum; a 'boys club' as you put it, however going completely the other end of the spectrum does not fix anything either.

Also agreed HT have plenty of time to fix this so hope they do so. But I'm not convinced they will.
You can't get angry at Hollywood being a boy's club, then have an all girl's film festival to "even the score" if you want to end prejudice.

Hollywood was, and is, to some degree the other end of the spectrum; a 'boys club' as you put it, however going completely the other end of the spectrum does not fix anything either.

In other words, two wrongs don't make a right!
This is the dumbest place to have this conversation. Thank you Vault Boy for again dragging down a thread with this nonsense.

I think it's hilarious that Disney's leftist idealism is being critically discussed on a thread promoting Boba Fett toys. Good. Don't blame Vault Boy. Blame Disney, for incorporating these ideas into the franchise. Blame Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson for their irrational, radical feminism. They wanted to start a conversation, and now they have. :lol

People who are enthusiastic about the IP, including this particular character, are now dreading Han Solo and even Boba Fett's portrayal in a movie scheduled to play in 5 months, after seeing what became of Luke Skywalker! That's hilarious. If Disney shareholders don't reign in the ideological nonsense coming from Lucasfilm, people are going to lose a lot of money. You'll see.
This is the dumbest place to have this conversation. Thank you Vault Boy for again dragging down a thread with this nonsense.

Yeah I understand. But this issue will inevitably make all things SW sink like a stone. It's like trying to have a conversation while ignoring a tornado running through your neighborhood.

And also Im tired of seeing right wingers associating the entire Left with the KK problem. They do this because they know it makes them look bad. So this helps to discredit all Leftist principles. So issues like climate change must really be a hoax after all. Racism in our justice system doesn't exist etc.

Anyways, we all stopped talking about this Hot Toys figure way before I brought up the KK issue. No one cared about this Boba Fett after a member posted his custom figure. That got everyone so excited that we began talking about BF's possible appearance in the Han Solo movie and then yada yada yada.
So how about this fett? Im sure HTs could have milked an entire second release or summer exclusive out of the Deluxe look, pretty nice of them not too eh?
So how about this fett? Im sure HTs could have milked an entire second release or summer exclusive out of the Deluxe look, pretty nice of them not too eh?

I think the deluxe release was a cool move by HT because, yeah, they probably could have sold a fair number of the promo versions as a separate figure. It's what I wish they'd do with Jedi Luke & the Endor gear. Instead of milking a second release with just a poncho and helmeted head sculpt added to the costume, it would have been nice to have a deluxe version with those parts included - similar to this Boba Fett deluxe version. Maybe that's actually the plan, and I'm just out of the loop.

And I have a question for the Fett experts, please. Did Boba switch the pockets under his ammo belt at any point during ESB? I used to think that the Sideshow pocket flaps were just lined up wrong due to an oversight on their part, but now the HT Boba has pocket flaps facing the same wrong way as the Sideshow figure. I say "wrong" way because I've never seen movie images that match. Here's an illustration of what I'm referring to, with arrows pointing to the pocket in question.


I'm sorry if this has been addressed before, but I haven't come across any of the discussions about it, and it's just bugging me.