Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Just for conversation’s sake, here’s an old pic I posted a while back of SSC V2 next to HT ROTJ fett:


HT is definitely capable of making a better figure, hopfully they can knock it out. Otherwise sticking with this guy for sure.

The V2 by far is strides ahead of the V1, flightsuit color and tailoring is perfected. It's paint job isn't BAD, it's pretty okay, but still suffers with a lime green helmet and armor green tones slightly off. With that said, HT's helmet sculpt (seen on ROTJ and previewed on ESB) is basically identical, suspiciously so. Probably a reused mold. So yes, I agree, if they can't nail the color down, it will be a useless upgrade as V2 is a good ESB. But, if they can pull off the right colors as the prototype seems to allude to what they're aiming for, HT will be the one to own. Not for any special accessories, or better tailoring or anything else, because none of that matters. Even a bare minimum Fett will do... but that color palette is what we've been missing so far. Which is kinda funny that ESB colors are so in particular, I don't think I've ever heard once anywhere someone complain about the reds used on ROTJ or even his greens. I guess it's just easier? Darker olive green helmet, red gauntlets, done. But ESB.. very specific green gauntlets, specific green armor (bonus points for weathered darker right chest armor plate, and darker chest diamond), specific lighter green helmet. It seems so much harder to get right.
I agree with you on all points. And yet, they still cannot get the helmet to flare right. Sorry, but that is a huge issue. This is the 3rd time they are using that same helmet. Hell, even the 6" Mafex nailed the helmet for that figure. Can someone take that helmet and blow it up for 1:6? I wish, lol

Gotta say for a 6" its a little masterpiece

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At this point I prefer the same helmet. It's not just the flare, but the T visor as well, way too elongated. It's a long face Fett.

But.. if HT ESB dropped an all new helmet sculpt, I would have to rid myself of all my other SSC/HT Fetts, because it wouldn't look right with one correct Fett and the rest looking long faced. I don't think I'd take on the task of rebuying the ESB helmet and repainting them for the others, so it would just be one fett in my collection. Which in hindsight would probably be best... but we've come so far with these long faced fetts, Proto, Holiday, ROTJ, ESB... why turn back now? lol. I kinda hoped for it with the HT ROTJ.. but we're too far in now. You remake that helmet, you need to revisit ROTJ. I think they feel it's "good enough". And while it kinda sucks, at least it works for the collection.

PS while that 6" proportionally looks nice, is he unpainted or something? The dull consistent green tones throughout make it a pretty boring interpretation, like they didn't even try. That EE-3 Carbine is also pretty ridiculously short. Gauntlets are nicely sculpted tho! The bucket is a beauty though! Some corrections on the Range finder topper and it would be a masterpiece. Impressive for 6". It does make you wonder.
They better remake that helmet. "Good enough" is accurate, at least in my opinion. And in turn, inaccurate is not "good enough."
See, I think I am a super fan, and then I see the above and realize I know jack squat

Don't feel too bad. I did know ESB Fett is wearing a side arm when ROTJ isn't... but i had to resort to Google to put a name on that blaster's name :wink1:
Im happy with mine ROTJ Boba (love the red gauntlets and colored jet pack) , now just need HT Jango to complete "father & son".
Hey, don't feel bad. I dress up as this guy and I actually didn't even know that. I've always just referred to it as his "pistol" or sidearm:lol


LOL too funny, and thanks. My nerd card is reinstated

The one thing ion the ht fett I didn't like: the gauntlet size around the wrists, and of course the black wrist pegs really stand out
The HT ROTJ sculpt was a little off (a bit vertically elongated and narrow) - so far this ESB one looks nice but doesn't look flared enough, the range finder is still too long and the "cheek" sculpt is supposed to be a slightly distorted half circle, not the rounded trapezoid they have there. And looks like they still have that taper on the vertical part of the "T".

This is what I mean about the "cheeks":


Like 1/6 Vaders, there's been quite a few 1/6 Fetts now, so you'd hope this would be a "one and done" figure from HT. This is the "the" look for Fett for most people (maybe the reason HT ROTJ Fett seemed to fade away) so really hope the helment can be 100% nailed.

That’s the color I want as well. I know screen caps are difficult to gauge but the colors we’re seeing look too much like the SS one (helmet) and the armor too olive like their ROTJ version.

If this is just a repaint of the ROTJ Fett, I will pass. But knowing HT there's enough changes to make me happy.

Though, they'd never fix everything. I could live with the gloves if they fix the flare.

Yeah, picked up the ROTJ Fett and while it had some really nice aspects didn’t seem anywhere close to a home run. I think I need that with Fett to keep my purchase. Ended up selling it off. He’s maybe the best, most interesting-looking secondary character.
I'm a sucker for ESB, so I'll probably get this. I'm not sure what it's coming with. A slave 1 cockpit would be great, but it will probably just be a simple stand.
Anyone still have the RAH Fett. Although I remember him as being small in my collection, I also remember the colors were pretty good.
Anyone still have the RAH Fett. Although I remember him as being small in my collection, I also remember the colors were pretty good.
I've got 2 of them. Still prefer them over SS version 1. My hot toys ROTJ is in a closet in the mailer box....I'm REALLY lazy.
I'm probably one of the very few that is pleased with the SS ESB Fett.

Hot Toy's version would have to be 1/6 perfection in order for me to double-dip on the character.

I wonder if they have planned a regular and deluxe version and if so, what the deluxe would bring.

I'm with you there buddy....
I made a custom fett using a mix of medicom and ss I think it looks great. might up grade the body suit as I have the sideshow version. I loved the medi helmet as it looked way better then the sideshow version did. also found the v2 jet back as it looked better then version 1
I’d like a 1/4 scale ESB Fett to go with the ROTJ. I want an ESB Fett, but it’d be weird having the 1/4 and 1/6 displayed together.
Here's my V1 Boba repainted (using TDH Humbrol color reference and scheme) and rebodied (already rebodied on the left pic)

HT can surely do better, but coincidentally I need two ESB Bobas (Executor bridge with the other buddies and Freezing chamber display). :lol