Hot Toys - MMS 463/464 - The Empire Strikes Back: Boba Fett 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Wow, thanks for the tip! Will try that soon! What heat would you recommend on the iron?
No problem! I keep mine on the same setting virtually all the time..which is medium cotton. Sometimes I get a little iffy, like with the Royal Guard robe, turn it down a bit; or other times put it on a slightly higher heat. But I've found that keeping it in that medium cotton range, combined with a piece of a t-shirt over has yet to damage anyting. Oh, and I always put some water in the iron. I don't blast it with the steam button, but in my head the water seems to keep things oh so slightly, virtually non-existent moist, which helps the whole process.
I don't know man, I don't think any of this is intentional what so ever. But there could very well be more weathered outfits that were packed as the deluxe version. It would have been a really cool deliberate thing for HT to have made the deluxe one a much more blue go along with the PP look more.
That's what mine looks like.

Did you get a deluxe? I'm told the deluxes have more weathering.

Yeah, I have the deluxe and the suit in most lighting probably seems blue and dark enough to me. I got an extra jumpsuit to dye - just to try it and see.
His chest piece is supposed to look like that. It's one of HT's signature details they get right while screwing up something else that is more obvious lol

Really? I don´t know... some fellows in this thread has shown pictures of figures with the chest pieces in aligned position, others with the pieces misaligned but not in the same way... so, which is wrong and which is right?
Really? I don´t know... some fellows in this thread has shown pictures of figures whith the chest pieces in aligned position, others with the pieces misaligned but not in the same way... so, which is wrong and which is right?

his left breast plate is just supposed to sit a little lower. middle should be straight or close to it. cutting the nubs off the back and superglueing them back in place worked well for me.

I tell you spray paint came out perfect

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What customizations did you make here? It looks amazing
I sprayed painted the suit with vinly paint grey for a base coat then a blue I found at Walmart.


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What is your flavor of the month stock is on the left and my modified blue spray paint is on the right.

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Crazy the lens distortion make it look like a perfectly repainted to match ROTJ helmet on the left. Suit on the right would be great for the pre-production figure.
I still can’t believe you would take a rattle can to your figure. I would have never done that! Came out good though.

SS V2 Body on the right has a similar colour to that spray painted one.

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BOBA MAKER Full-ESB-14.jpg


I don't know Wor-Gar, I feel some of these blue colors are pretty accurate. Kenner figure was a little too blue, but not terribly off. I know Kershner used some blue filters in ESB on Bespin and especially on Hoth, but photos like the Red Hallway scene with Lando don't seem to have a blue hue, yet you can see on his sleeves the costume looks pretty blue. The proto suit was clearly blue, and the final pic is from BobaMaker ( and a comparison pic of his ROTJ costume). He makes probably the most accurate/researched Fett suits, and his ESB suit is pretty blue compared to his ROTJ.

I personally have been too busy/lazy to dye my suit yet, but I've got my china blue ready to go. Just want to add a bit more to mine then what HT did.
Anyone have a side by side of the Hot Toys ROTJ and the ESB. Are the helmets the same shape. I've been combing through the pages but I haven't seen one yet.