Hot Toys - MMS 740 - Return of the Jedi: Han Solo 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Really makes me wish they would just do a damn Raiders Indy 2.0. They're clearly capable of doing a young Ford.

I love the expression they went with for this version of Solo... Very Ford.

Would work great on an updated Indy as well.
The Honestly after watching that I hope they don't change a damn thing with the sculpt. It looks flippin phenomenal. And the hair and expression work perfectly fine too.

Only thing that needs improving are those weird wrinkly hands.

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Agreed, the face looks great here. The hair doesn’t look as bad either. I’d noticed that all the promo shots were taken slightly from above and wondered if it would look less wonky from straight on or below. Definitely better but I still think a bit less volume is in order (or just redo it based off a different reference shot).
Great, now I need 3. It looks awesome in that video. This gave me some of my collecting mojo back. Between this and padme, which to me looks good, this was a good week.
They will not tweak the hair. They wouldn't even get rid of the widows peak on the Kate bishop figure. If you can find one they have changed please let me know. Maybe color but not actual sculpt could change.

The forehead wrinkles will soften as all of the hard lines on face sculpted do.
They did change the ESB Boba helmet sculpt after everyone was complaining that it looked too “narrow” if you remember. But I agree, I don’t think they’ll make any tweaks to this. Hoping they do though as the hair IMO needs amending.
Looks like I'm going to umm and ahh over whether to get this one - it's Han Solo! But... it's ROTJ Han, and despite very fond memories of the Kenner figure with its awesome soft goods coat it's not my favourite look and doesn't really fit in my collection that well (at least not at the moment). I suppose this could potentially drive up demand for the Endor Leia, not that that figure can be found cheaply anyway.
And this one... it's not cheap and is a very basic release with just the one gun, hands set and the stand.

OSK closes preorders on 24th Feb so some time to mull things over.
I'd leave it in the box anyway, but they could have done the detonite charge he uses in the bunker.
Yeah, that's a good call.
Much of it is just being able to perceive this release as having good value. ESB Luke comes to mind with its various bits that add to that perception, even though they are likely to just get left in the box.