Hot Toys - MMS 740 - Return of the Jedi: Han Solo 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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May I ask what happened? Sounds kinda serious...

Just agreeing with TonTon about the fact that we are lucky HT didn't go with the expression on the right. A man in a trench coat, loitering in the woods with that expression is not a good look.

I think the face sculpt they have gone with looks very good and I hope it doesn't change. Having had time to consider the hair, it does look better on the videos, but I think the length of the hair strands and the hair length at the back of the head is too long in comparison to Harrison in the film stills. It looks like the artist just made it up from memory as opposed to using any kind of reference. I know this is probably not true, more like artistic license perhaps. I could live with it, but in the back of my mind I know HT could do better.

I think it’s a half decent sculpt, but it’s still far from perfect. For me the nose is slightly too big and symmetrical, compared to Ford’s which has more of a bend to the right. Also I think the lips a too full.
It may not be perfect but it's still a great likeness to Ford, and a vast improvement from the old ANH sculpt.
Here's hoping they knock TESB sculpt out of the park...When they eventual make one:impatient:
Anyone like me? Youre going to buy it but are kind of just waiting it out?
I was at first. But then I started noticing it selling out on day 1 on certain Canadian sites and I thought nope! I'm getting this guy before I miss out again. lol
I really thought an OT Han Solo figure would re spark my enthusiasm and passion for SW and collecting. But over the last 7 odd years, the disastrous butchering of my beloved Sci fi fantasy, I believe has finally taken its toll. I no longer crave to watch SW and can’t bring myself to watch any of the latest BS that the mouse has vomited out to the public, in all of it’s multicoloured agenda driven, diversely woke forms. It seems as though I’m finally out of gas with it all, and you know what? It actually feels quite good.
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I really thought an OT Han Solo figure would re spark my enthusiasm and passion for SW and collecting. But over the last 7 odd years, the disastrous butchering of my beloved Sci fi fantasy, I believe has finally taking its toll. I no longer crave to watch SW and can’t bring myself to watch any of the latest BS that the mouse has vomited out to the public, in all of it’s multicoloured agenda driven, diversely woke forms. It seems as though I’m finally out of gas with it all, and you know what? It actually feels quite good.
This is why I only watch the OT every few years. There have been other good projects but more misses than hits.

I also have a soft spot for episode 1, even with all of its flaws.
Episode 1 is great! It has a lot more whimsical charm than the other 2 and reminds me very much of ANH.
Yeah I have a lot of positive memories for the film but probably even more the 5 years waiting for it to be released. In fact I think its the long gap between rotj and tpm that hurts the movie because we had all that time to speculate what would happen. I think thats why the creator said it wouldnt live up to OT generation expectations.
^ While i do agree their attempt to make him the comic relief character in episode 1 fell flat on it's face, i never found him to be an atrocious character.
Why do some people think this was supposed to be an Artisan figure? Because it's so damn good?
I think because his hair is more medium in volume so some probably wanted that. Plus the type of base they are using was shown with Anakin. I'm happy we even got a Han and I'm definitely excited for this.