Hot Toys - MMS 799 & MMS 800 - Batman & Robin: Mr. Freeze 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I think it looks terrific, hopefully the lights really make him pop -- he looks a little bland unlit next to Clooney.
Big thing to notice when seeing the photos. This figure needs the LEDs on 24/7 to look right when on display. Otherwise he just looks dead.


Yeah I know most collectors don't like to bother with lights, but it seems like an absolute necessity with this figure. Just hope it only takes one USB to power the whole thing on, instead of you needing to deal with multiple panels and switches...
Holy Hell, this thing came out of nowhere. It's fantastic. I don't understand the complaining. Even if Batman & Robin is a "bad" movie, it was specifically designed to make for cool toys. And all these years later, that still holds. From the Kenner and McFarlane lines, to the various Funko Pops, the Schumacher films have made for collectibles that bring life and color to the shelf in ways that, quite frankly, those boring Nolan/Snyder/Reeves designs just don't. One can argue film quality all day long. I don't see how--in good faith--one could argue that THIS isn't a way, way cooler FIGURE than, say, a Nolan Bane or a Nolan Catwoman. Pardon the pun.

And for only $385?!

Jazzinc. was planning this, and I see they've replied in this thread... I know it would suck to abandon their plans, but... If it's not that far along in production--I would pivot to BANE. Your Ivy is all ready shaping up to be an incredible piece--Bane from this film looks incredible and has been overlooked by EVERY SINGLE company so far, and I don't see Hot Toys breaking that trend. @JazzInc PLEASE consider doing Bane. Would that character even require likeness rights, with the mask and all? No moveable eyes necessary, either. No complaining from the rabble about expression, etc. *wink*
Hot Toys has a history of making Arnold figures though so it makes sense in that way. Just like how they like Johnny Depp too. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see Bane or Poison Ivy.
true but the fact that they made three figures or four if we count forever from the worst panned batman films surprised me. Like people clamored for the returns villains for years or an updated 89 joker. Heck even the new The batman film didn't get anything besides batman but Batman and Robin get one. But you are right maybe it's cause it's arnold.
Again, this is strange for many reason, but I feel its more a shot over JazzInc's bow than anything else.
HT does seem very territorial. InArt does rooted hair, HT follows. Jazz does Batman stuff, HT follows. 3rd party Vultures happen, HT gives weak ‘coming soon’ teaser. Sometimes they’re just petty.
I watched these Burton/Schumacher Batman movies for the first time last year and overall, not for me. And 5 pages for what is considered to be a horrible movie and what killed Batman until Begins? I guess it makes sense considering the nostalgia with y'all who grew up with this, makes me realize how younger I am compared to most of you guys here.

Cool for those getting this.
HT does seem very territorial. InArt does rooted hair, HT follows. Jazz does Batman stuff, HT follows. 3rd party Vultures happen, HT gives weak ‘coming soon’ teaser. Sometimes they’re just petty.

I suppose it's natural to protect your turf... but I'm glad HT is feeling challenged. They do much better work when there's pressure.
I suppose it's natural to protect your turf... but I'm glad HT is feeling challenged. They do much better work when there's pressure.
Oh absolutely! HT was king for too long and they got a bit lazy at times. Having some competition keeps them innovating and even making some strange choices. I think Star Wars and the MCU being on a bit of a down streak has probably helped open up some resources on doing different things like these old Batman films, marvel comic figures, Squid Game, and finally getting to some overdue OT Star Wars figures.
Batman sells. I think that's the most succinct answer. Batman collectors put their money where their mouths are.

As for why these, why now, I think it's because of two factors.

1.) That fans of the Burton-Schumacher era are finally in a financially secure enough place to spend, and the nostalgia is there. This is certainly true for me--when Hot Toys first did DX08/DX09, I was a broke-ass 20-something who could absolutely not afford or justify spending the money on them. Now, I'm a slightly less broke-ass 30-something and I can. Gimme.

And 2.) The fact that the Batman fandom has had every single company offer Nolan/modern era stuff, to the point where that market is over-saturated. It's gotten to the point where people are having cosplay-level obsession over the stitching of Heath Ledger Joker's shirt, tie, socks, etc... it's so myopic. And, to a lot of us, exhausting.

But this is something shiny and bright and untapped. I think we're hopefully turning a corner on these movies and about to be spoiled--similar to how around 2013/2014 toy companies went ham with Batman '66.