When does this ship. Seems like I have been waiting forever for this thing.
He's supposed to ship in May according to SS.
When does this ship. Seems like I have been waiting forever for this thing.
No outfit is worth the purchase of a figure that doesn't look like the character imo.
he doesn't look like jhonny depp. does HT have the license from depp?
I'm really anxious for this to come out as he's one of my favorite characters and it looks like they did a fantastic job on him.
I think you meant looks like the actor, because I can instantly tell who that figure is supposed to be.
^ sounds like HT is heading towards the cliff. Just like what happened to McFarlane when they were at their peak. Unwise business decision. 12" should always be about attention to details and quality; something that doesn't go hand in hand with mass production. HT just proves this theory, IMO. Sad thing, really.
Anyways, having to see this fig in hand, my conclusion is:
So-so head sculpt + pretty cool costume and box= easy pass for me.
Hot Toys couldn't get Depp's likeness for this, so this was the best they could do. I wouldn't call it heading for the cliff because they have one figure that isn't quite up to par with alot of their others. Though I'm very disappointed that it doesn't look like Depp, it's still the best Edward out there at the moment.
I think the McFarlane is more bang for the buck, seeing that it has a motion sensor to wave his right arm and work it's scissors. I have never seen the Medicom, whose likeness isn't great either, but I'd like to see how the Medicom outfit compares with the Hot Toys. Looks like that'll be up to wookster or screamingmetal. Whoever gets in first.
As far as the head sculpt goes, Hot Toys ought to have given him at least a few scars, and some black lippy, to give him that pursed look.