Super Freak
I am on wait list but first time ever nervous but need this
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True, but I'm cutting back on my expenditure and don't wanna have too many versions of the one character. Oh, and I'm *very* patient!![]()
Are you located in the US? I would get on the SSC Waitlist fast, you may still have a chance at him.
I won a facebook contest (on the HT facebook page not Sideshow) for the this Golden Age Cap and just got my shipping confirmation from them about an hour ago. From what they told me, this is the Cap figure I won. If not and something is getting lost in translation then that will suck![]()
Congrats, buddy! Is that the "Spot the Differences" contest? I'm happy for you, man!![]()
Could be but oh well still happy to finally win something. If it ends up not being this and not something I'd want to keep, then I'll just sell itPure speculation on my part but I bet thay are sending you the Star Spangled Man version. Good luck though.
Didn't even know they had a Spot the Differences contest. Where was that, on Twitter? via link? It probably isn't this one since it isn't released yet but congrats!
HT haven't really done a BD clothed figure though have they?
Terminator doesn't count, it's just holes really. And Luke was an example of how BD isn't easily achievable on a mass produced clothed figure.
Am I missing one?
Didn't even know they had a Spot the Differences contest. Where was that, on Twitter? via link? It probably isn't this one since it isn't released yet but congrats!
It's kind of weird to me though that this one is selling so much yet Sideshow is still sitting on their exclusive releases of the Rescue and Star Spangled Man Captain America figures. Either Hot Toys made a bunch of those two and not enough of this one or this one is more popular maybe because it's looked at as a more traditional suit possibly or for people who missed out on The First America version maybe.
While it may not be released world wide, there could be chance that they had some premade for the contest. I mean the "backstage" teaser I believe showed multiple of the same versions of Cap. Now you guys are making me second guess haha
I highly doubt that as the release date is so far away (4-5mths) that to release it now in limited numbers would not seem likely (also to prevent scalping from people who won, it does happen sadly). Even bloggers get the figure at most 2-3 weeks in advance before the official release date I think. I hope I'm wrong though as I would love to see pics asap!
True but again, could be that some were premade...it is a movie promo figure after all but eh, it's already in the states so I should know buy the end if the week
good luck man! i really hope it is! crossing my fingers for you!! and if it's not well it's still a free figure!
thankshopefully they're not pulling a cruel April Fools joke
It's in customs right now and hopefully it doesn't stay there too long and gets to me by the end of the week
thankshopefully they're not pulling a cruel April Fools joke
It's in customs right now and hopefully it doesn't stay there too long and gets to me by the end of the week
Seriously, kudos to you. I wish I had that virtue. Especially in a slow moving and expensive hobby such as this.
thankshopefully they're not pulling a cruel April Fools joke
It's in customs right now and hopefully it doesn't stay there too long and gets to me by the end of the week