Will there be another version with the unmasked head..hmm that’s the question
Looking to give Alter Ego a try, do they charge tax and how is their customer service if there are issues with the figure? Thanks!
Looking to give Alter Ego a try, do they charge tax and how is their customer service if there are issues with the figure? Thanks!
I’ve got my fingers crossed for a cable figure but there isn’t even a hint of them even having a rough prototype in the deadpool pics.
Thinking back to the other figure reveals lately they’ve been hinting at other figures they’ve later revealed that way
Yeah, the prices people charge for these figures is just greedy. I have some reward points I've been saving, so if I were to sell my OG Deadpool I'd sell for like $150, just to cover the difference in points. Not trying to get rich off figures.
I understand selling an item for what it is worth but use common sense.
If you've opened to inspect it then it isn't "sealed in box."
If the market is saying the item is worth $3 and you want to charge $15 then expect not to sell the item.
Also maybe perhaps possibly don't post pictures of the figure in poses then a photo of the shipper "sealed/taped" and claim it is "brand new in box/sealed."
Common sense isn't a flower that grows in everyone's garden.
Free market, if its priced out of your budget for the fig then don't buy it. Seller can list at whatever price, and adjust based on need to sell.
Whew, some of these goofs on the Facebook groups... man.
"Deadpool 1 sealed in Box $325"
I decided to have some fun with it, saying he was about $100 too high at the moment due to the announcement of the improved DP2 release. He said "but mine is sealed" to which I replied "cool, so you don't know if you have one with the QC issues" to which he said "I can confirm I don't, I tested it."
So... not sealed in box... just taped over again.
Goofs gotta be goofs I guess.
Common sense isn't a flower that grows in everyone's garden.