I had the email from Leo on the 15th of November...by my reckoning he should have stock by 29th of November....we could have ours within the first week of December...I hope....fingers crossed and all that.
Does anybody have a spare Billy B shirt and tie set they could sell me? Or even if you know where i could pick a set up from?
Off topic but might aswell ask, is there any news on what the MMS-DX-03 will be? Just curious cause its been a while since the DX-02
Which version? I think Elvis was selling the first version with an entire custom Joker (but he said he'd be willing to sell just the clothing). I haven't seen a whole lot of people with the second version set (specifically made for the Narrow Shoulder TT). So I think that set might be harder to come by. Try shooting BillyB a pm and asking for a set. Can't hurt.
Not yet. Although from what HT kinda said, that new Battle Damaged Iron Man was considered for a DX release but ultimately HT decided against it. So that would've been MMS-DX-03.
Jeff posted the comparison of the heads:
I haven't seen a whole lot of people with the second version set (specifically made for the Narrow Shoulder TT). So I think that set might be harder to come by. Try shooting BillyB a pm and asking for a set. Can't hurt.
I just got the first set. I am gonna dye both the hot toys dx shirt and billyb joker shirt tge color I did my 1/1 scale shirt and see which one I like more.
We all agree that the dx joker is amazing..But the only thing i hate about that figure is the removable back of the head for the p.e.r.s you can clearly see the line in the hairs between the removable part and the none removable part.Am i the only one who's not crazy about that magnet removable part???
for those of you that have the joker, is the PERS really as fragile as some people have said it is? I've been worried about this because being able to move the eyes is a really strong selling point, and if you are afraid to do it then whats the point?
Yeap, you are not alone man, I'm still waiting to receive mine from Goodshipped.