Super Freak
If the delivery date isn't posted on the tracking page, you can find out by going on their site and logging in.
Still have not gotten any notice from Redford.
Yep! Got the email with tracking number! Thanks to pjam and others for the cyber Monday deal info...best deal on the net!
Oh that's cool. Thanks for the info.
How do they ship? UPS? USPS?
Mine is UPS.
If you guys used credit cards, they'll have to approve the charge before they ship. Last night, my status said "Paid" and right before it was shipped it said "Approved"
you can find some awesome unique are on deviant from any movies. I always go on there just to look. Theres some excellent artists who are members there. I've even seen 1/6 figures there.
Only thing I don't like at that site is sometimes the work titles don't match to the sort of words you might search on so you can miss stuff. Like if that piece Two-Face linked were called Ledger Collage and I searched Joker, I'd never see it.
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