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Re: Plain body for police Joker clothes

Hot TOys True Type regular or narrow shoulder version. I have head both work well for the police uniform. Do NOT get the Slim True Type. It wont work.
What kind of body do I need to buy for the joker cop clothes? Thanks

Better yet find a regular TT and swap out the narrow from the Joker outfit and use that for the cop. Joker does look better in a regular TT :D

That is also an option.

Certainly will be easier to find a regular TT. I just strongly advise against putting the cop outfit on a regular TT.
I'd have paid more for the Joker DX if it had come with 2 bodies. It's one thing when you get like a 2 in 1 such as Harvey Dent or Marcus Wright where it's just another piece of clothing or two, but where the DX Joker had 2 full costumes where you don't need to buy any extra gear to build them both, it seems silly not to just put another body in there and have 2 figures.
I think the DX01 was a decent compromise though... for the price ppl who did not want the cop could still justify buying the DX01. If two bodies were included surely HT would have increased the price by at least $30 to make the same margin and then the price for DX01 may have been too high to attract ppl who didn't want the cop
I still believe the narrow TT works best. Clothes fit well and you can still get the broad shoulders with some futzing.


And actually the Narrow shoulder TT is plenty broad enough without futzing.

Rather than type out all my thoughts on this again I'll just quote myself...

maglor do you have pic of the TT narrow shoulders in the cop uniform?


That's the look I prefer. I know that heath ledger had broad shoulders but, to me the Standard TT makes him look like he did to many of these:


But seriously the cut and fit just looks more natural on the Narrow Shoulder body to me. The Standard body detracts from the realism of the figure in my opinion.

Some have had good success with the Classic (clown) joker on a Standard TT, so if you have a Standard TT that you could use, take the clothes off of the Clown and dress it with the cop clothes/head and dress your Standard with the clown clothes/head.

However, I have both of mine on a Narrow Shoulder TT and I love him this way!

And one more...

I used a regular TT for Cop Joker, looks the best this way.


I'm sorry dude, I just can't comprehend how you can think that looks better than the Narrow shoulder figure that Hot Toys chose to go with this figure.

His shoulders look ridiculously bulky in your picture (and others you have shown before). Heath ledger did have broad shoulders, but that is referring to his natural bone structure. The Standard TT looks like TO MUCH MUSCLE!!! Heath did not do gymnastics for 6 hours a day!!!!!:banghead

It's nice that you got to use your standard TT that you had laying around, but I truly think you should swap the bodies as (from the pics I have seen) the standard can be squeezed into the clown suit and still look natural.

Not trying to be a jerk,... I'm just sayin' :monkey3

I'm going to post a pic of mine one more time so that people can see in one post how much more natural the Cop Joker looks on a narrow shoulder TT.




Bottom line is that it is a matter of personal taste. However, in terms of accuracy I think it is clear which TT is closest to the actor.

If you are trying to reproduce "fan fic" where, in your private world, Heath Ledger is a "beefcake" then by all means use the Standard TT.

...O.K. I think I got that out of my system...

I will be quiet now.:cool:
Holy **** Maglor your clown version looks unbelievable in the pic above! How did you get the tie and collar to sit so well? Are they the supplied ones or customs?
My collar looks tight like that too, but my second one doesn't look as good. I didn't futz with the collars at all.
Mines annoying I can't get it to sit exactly how I want it, its not bad or anything I'm just obsessive about these things :)
superglue won't stick to textile thats for sure. Try simple gluegun that will glue anything to anything if strength is not needed