Honestly I think a monkey could make a Batman cape. No skill required to do it. All you need is a fabric cutting wheel (it looks like a pizza cutter) and the fabric you want to use. You can use the HT cape for your pattern if you like or make your own. Just fold your fabric in half and place it on a flat smooth surface and lay half the HT cape on top of the folded fabric. Then take your cutting wheel and roll it across your fabric using the HT cape as your guide (like tracing). When you're done cutting unfold your fabric and you got yourself a nice symmetrical cape. Easy

I say only use half the HT cape as a guide for two reasons 1: you only need half since you're cutting your fabric on a fold. 2: because the HT capes are not symmetrical. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to answer them. Good luck!