Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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I still think that the likeness can be improved, though. Adam has the facial features down (albeit appearing a bit soft), but the shape of the face seems too round. I believe void posted some pics of an Adam sculpt shopped into the interrogation scene, and it looked more to me like the youtube parody guy because of the head shape. Heath seemed much more angular in his facial structure, and that's something that Adam could improve upon. To me, the best Adam sculpt I've seen, Joker or otherwise, is his Bale Wayne sculpt. I have yet to see any of his other work top that.
I actually think the sculpted hair looks far more artificial - like a big hair-shaped helmet. I think the best custom heads are Imaresqd1's - great likeness to Ledger that Ledger's joker? Well maybe in an offscreen between filming scenes kind of way..but they lack the character he put into it - thats something the HT sculpts do better at.

That always baffles me,it doesn't look like ledger it looks like the character he played?did he were a mask?it was heath under the makeup.the expressikon my capture a look but it still should look like heath.from every angle and hot toys looks similar but without the paint it looks nothing like heath.but if you like it and are happy with it great,but some of us want perfection,down to the earing wholes in his ear.but in my opinion the hot toys heads aren't even close.I've staired at every pic of heaths joker I can find and I could point something off on every part of the ht sculpts,chin ,cheaks,forhead.they did get the eye color correct and the nose is close but you take away the hair,scars and paint and ask a stranger who it is,chances are they won't recognise him
I use the Bank Robber Joker head on my version and I think it is the best mass produced version out there. If money were no object, I would have tried to obtain Imaresqd1's sculpt as I personally think it looks the best. If the next Ho Toys figure has a sculpt similar in quality to Superman, Batman 89, or Jack Sparrow I think I will never consider a custom joker sculpt again. In fact, I would say the only reason to do a DX Joker version 2 would be to fix the inaccuracies so I am expecting great things.
I've always been under the impression that people want Joker figures, not Heath figures. Who cares if it looks exactly like Heath? If it doesn't embody the character he plays, you might as well strip off the makeup and scars, and put him in jeans and a T-shirt.
That always baffles me,it doesn't look like ledger it looks like the character he played?did he were a mask?it was heath under the makeup.the expressikon my capture a look but it still should look like heath.from every angle and hot toys looks similar but without the paint it looks nothing like heath.but if you like it and are happy with it great,but some of us want perfection,down to the earing wholes in his ear.but in my opinion the hot toys heads aren't even close.I've staired at every pic of heaths joker I can find and I could point something off on every part of the ht sculpts,chin ,cheaks,forhead.they did get the eye color correct and the nose is close but you take away the hair,scars and paint and ask a stranger who it is,chances are they won't recognise him

Without paint, the Bank Robber sculpt is pretty spot-on Heath.


DX on left.
No, you're not the only one. But opinions vary even amongst that crowd i.e. some (like you) think that customs don't looks as good while others just prefer mass produced collectibles over custom stuff. I've seen people who don't care if a custom actually looks better, they still refuse to add anything that's not mass produced to their collection.

that would be me. I mean i do love seeing custom works but not the price those goes with them. I even have issues displaying custom things that I do sometimes. The only full blown custom that I have dispalyed right now is my COTBP Jack Sparrow that's finally been officially completed. My custom TDK Joker and customized Med TDK Bats just didn't sit well with me being on my shelf for some reason. When there's a Hot Toys version or any other Mass Produced version, i for whatever reason prefer the mass produced figure.

But in terms of the customs being discussed, I do prefer Adam's Joker sculpts. I agree with whoever posted saying that the BobbyC version has a bit more Joker "character" (looks really dark and even/contimplative)while the Adam one has like an off screen calm Joker/Ledger. Both are great though. I someone just gave me one, I wouldn't complain :lol

and with my PERS breaking and for some reason even rubber cement not holding, I'm patiently waiting the 2.0 version
I have both bobby and adams sculpt. Fortunately, I have one of their better works. I believe that adam has a more accurate sculpt. And adam has captured the essence of the joker. Take a look at umairs and neos laughing sculpt. And neos "hit me!"sculpt. Adam also did do one sculpt in silicone, and its awsome. Adam even got better at blending the sculpted hair with real hair.
That always baffles me,it doesn't look like ledger it looks like the character he played?did he were a mask?it was heath under the makeup.the expressikon my capture a look but it still should look like heath.from every angle and hot toys looks similar but without the paint it looks nothing like heath.but if you like it and are happy with it great,but some of us want perfection,down to the earing wholes in his ear.but in my opinion the hot toys heads aren't even close.I've staired at every pic of heaths joker I can find and I could point something off on every part of the ht sculpts,chin ,cheaks,forhead.they did get the eye color correct and the nose is close but you take away the hair,scars and paint and ask a stranger who it is,chances are they won't recognise him

Specifically, yes its the expression. Moreso on the DX actually although the Bank Robbers painted eyes are probably better.

I'm interested again in seeing what HT could do with another Ledger Joker actually, the 2.0. For a while I was pretty sick of the Ledger Joker madness but I watched the film again recently and am sort of 'back in the mood'.
...I'm interested again in seeing what HT could do with another Ledger Joker actually, the 2.0. For a while I was pretty sick of the Ledger Joker madness but I watched the film again recently and am sort of 'back in the mood'.

Yea i was pretty sick of it too and am definitely eager to see how the next one comes out.

what I'm not ready for is all the "this is the ____ amount of times they've done this character and they still couldn't get ____ right" which will most likely be the thread until the actual figure comes :lol
Am I the only person who prefers HT work to these custom jobs. They all look ugly and off to me. Not saying I could do any better though

No, you're not the only one, but statements like this will unleash the dogs brother.

Glad to me another poster who likes HT over customs. :duff

Without paint, the Bank Robber sculpt is pretty spot-on Heath.


DX on left.

The DX is close enough for my taste.
It's a matter of not being able to spot any Ledger resemblance in these customs. Their paint ops are horrible in my eye. Whereas HT 'mass produced' sculpts capture the actor from every angle and they don't have that horrible real hair.:monkey4

I actually think the sculpted hair looks far more artificial - like a big hair-shaped helmet. I think the best custom heads are Imaresqd1's - great likeness to Ledger that Ledger's joker? Well maybe in an offscreen between filming scenes kind of way..but they lack the character he put into it - thats something the HT sculpts do better at.

You guys are so right.
Here's my horribly painted, big haired helmet custom Joker:



Next to the more accurate Hot Toys version:



with DX clothes:

I think you misread my post. I said the sculpted hair looks like a big hair-shaped helmet - the rooted hair looks better. I was simply saying the sculpts don't have much of Ledgers performance as Joker in them. The HT sculpt, believe it or not, does.

No, you're not the only one, but statements like this will unleash the dogs brother.

Looks like you were proven right, although your bumping of the thread is what drew the attention
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