Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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Maybe one day.

Although HT gave a reason that they wanted to but Nolan objectified to it. I dunno. It was weird.

lol, I don't think you understand what I was saying.

I was responding to your insistence that BR Joker was going to be remade as a DX, and referencing a cycle that happens here over and over.

Some new posters come along, and they have wishful thinking for certain figures to be made (or redone). Either they weren't around when it could be had for cheap or they think it can be done better or whatever. And that's fine.

But then their wishful thinking becomes an insistence that Hot Toys is going to do what they want them to do - wishful thinking becomes fact. Logic goes out the window - they twist facts and common sense to suit their desires for a certain figure. They're certain - CERTAIN, they tell you! - that they're right and they'll be vindicated.

Never mind the fact that they've only been collecting for a year or two. Or been a part of the community for a year or two. Suddenly, they think they're experts in Hot Toys' best interests and business practices, experts in 1/6 history, and experts in business overall. And if you can't see what's blatantly obvious to them, why, you're a moron! Of course they're right, you'll see! They have an MBA in 1/6 action figure production, don't you know?!

And then of course they're proven wrong and quietly disappear into the woodworks, never to eat their crow. That won't stop them from trying the same thing next year, though!

Anyway, the Nurse Joker comment was because when the 2.0 was first announced, some people wanted it to come with an alternate, Nurse Joker outfit (much like how DX01 came with a Cop Outfit). Pretty soon, this desire became an insistence that it WOULD come with a Nurse Joker outfit, there was NO WAY that it couldn't come with a Nurse Joker outfit, and that anyone who didn't realize that was just being stubborn and didn't know what they were talking about.

Of course, some of us tried to use reason, but like every new collector and poster (and like some of the dumber, older ones - it wasn't JUST noobs), they refused to listen to either reason or the wisdom from those who have been around a lot longer, and tried to shout the rest of us down.

Like I said, time proved them wrong, as it always did. I'm sure most of them have conveniently forgotten about it, but that doesn't mean you can't learn from their mistakes.

I was just pointing out that their blind insistence was exactly the same kind of thing your post sounded like :p
i'm okay with the plastic hair, but yeah, it needed to be a little fluffier like the br joker's hair was.
I never liked real hair on figures but there are a few exceptions with Ledger Joker when done right. For example I don't think Adams sculpt would be at the level they are with plastic hair. His sculpts are ultra realistic and then real hair really takes it to another level. Well that and it's dine right with both sculpted and real.
I never liked real hair on figures but there are a few exceptions with Ledger Joker when done right. For example I don't think Adams sculpt would be at the level they are with plastic hair. His sculpts are ultra realistic and then real hair really takes it to another level. Well that and it's dine right with both sculpted and real.

adam's are about 85-90% sculpted hair with a few strands of real hair to fill it out. you could easily do the same with either dx joker.
hahahaha man that's the second time today that old mod of mine has popped up, someone reposred it on ht facebook :lol ah memories.

That's you? :lol Looks really good.

adam's are about 85-90% sculpted hair with a few strands of real hair to fill it out. you could easily do the same with either dx joker.

Hmm, where do you buy your JOker hair?
Whoa. Just checked it out. Which hair do you actually use? There is a bunch. And are there certain colors easier to dye than others.
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:hi5: Cheers mate. I honestly can't say for sure, I bought my DX off ebay and it came with the body for cop joker but I'm pretty sure it's a narrow shoulder truetype?

Hes right its a narrow shoulder. You can get those dirt cheap off ebay but they aren't TTs.

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2

Thanks guys for the clarification :hi5: I'll check ebay in the mean time.

I would assume the new TTs would work too? But not sure if a slim or reg will suffice. I only ask because a dealer in my area has quite a bit of either in stock. And I'm all about supporting the locals, and its more convenient.
Slim is too thin and short I believe. Clothes would be too baggy. The advanced is too big on the chest. The police clothes are snug. You need a narrow. Ebay. Cheap.

Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
Im using a Hot Toys regular body on mine.

Wanted to share a pic of my display here before I sell mine.



I know these are just crappy cell pics but I thought this one turned out awesome.