I don't care for any other bank robber mask besides Jokers and the detonator is very 'meh' to me. I'm not going to display him with it. Now, the shoe knife I look at the same way I look at the light up bases. I use it once, " Yep, it works." and that's it. How am I going to pose him, with his one foot in the air and the other balancing him on the stand? That would look silly imo. I know everyone wants the shoe thing but I think it's going to be one of those things we rarely uses. I heard everyone was bonkers over the Batman sonar head, look how that turned out. It's a nice touch but I don't need it. It's cool for you guys though.
Sure something's may seem useless but these things are in the category of I'd rather have it and possibly not use it than not have it at all.
I still haven't used all the accessories that came with my DX Sparrow but I don't want them any less
Can you please just buy the Ex to make Wor-Gar happy.
Maybe we should give him a couple days to think it over