Strange problem here; did anyone who undid the vest find it nearly impossible to get the button snaps done back up? Mine just don't seem to click into place. Namely the middle one, no matter how I line it up, it won't go into place.
Strange problem here; did anyone who undid the vest find it nearly impossible to get the button snaps done back up? Mine just don't seem to click into place. Namely the middle one, no matter how I line it up, it won't go into place.
i bought my self a loose DX01 from rollingj on here. I Didn't want to pay ebay prices for DX11 clothes it would be stupidly high. I think the V1 looks fine for interrogation,little dirtier and beat up compared to dx11 more clean and bright look.
View attachment 60011
Here is the DX01 outfit on regular side by side with the new DX11. What parts I can see of the suit it totally looks on par with the Kato suits making this figure totally worth a rerelease just on its own
"Resistance is Futile"
Cheap?, no way..only thing that bothers me a tad about the older DX01 and Bank Robber sculpts is the seam at the hairline other then that those are great sculpts and the paint is just as good IMO.
I don't like the bright color of the new cape and the material used too...
however it has a nice tailoring.. I have bought only the grey jacket of the dx 11, for the rest I will keep my first is not well spent for this release in my the end I like the diorama...
I still perfer the appearance of the dx01 coat....i just perfer the dirty look the joker dx01 had.
Joker is pretty good out the box.